Sunday, January 1, 2012

New years greeting

So its a new year in coming. In some traditions they practice the celebration on new year eve while others wait and celebrate new years day. Some germans chose the former and otehrs the later. In vienna they use to prefer waiting to new years eve while in america they commonaly began celebrating new years eve so they would have an extra day to drink and recover before having to return to holiday normal. Ibn some places they look at what they do eitehr day and try to estimate or interpret the new year from their actions, like ashana and other such similar symbolic interpretations done on otehr days. For instance eating everything on a plate means they year needs more to fill you, dropping money means luck to have more fall your way, but it must happen naturally, though some go out to be in s festive mood all year or tie thier shoe laces instatly not to gorget to do so all year long.

UN assement of countroes came out today, No USA klisted only its altered new evolution usea, new nations like briyanda and brandana atre listed with official spellings.
*9 new countries all by a new name and officiated, a new year definately dawning a new epoch of peaceful living based on our contemporay world called american , recall caneda is in the americas and american, so is usea, equally, esp as the free trade deal was won by caneda, to the strogest went the eco win, what ever to the betterment of all peoples everywhere
happy new year.

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