Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hercules avatars of God


The Fumigation from Frankincense.
Hear, pow'rful, Hercules [Herakles] untam'd and strong, to whom vast hands, and mighty works belong,
Almighty Titan, prudent and benign, of various forms, eternal and divine,
Father of Time [khronos], the theme of gen'ral praise, ineffable, ador'd in various ways.
Magnanimous, in divination skill'd and in the athletic labours of the field.
'Tis thine strong archer, all things to devour, supreme, all-helping, all-producing pow'r;
To thee mankind as their deliv'rer pray, whose arm can chase the savage tribes away:
Uweary'd, earth's best blossom, offspring fair, to whom calm peace, and peaceful works are dear.
Self-born, with primogenial fires you shine, and various names and strength of heart are thine.
Thy mighty head supports the morning light, and bears untam'd, the silent gloomy night;
From east to west endu'd with strength divine, twelve glorious labours to absolve is thine;
Supremely skill'd, thou reign'st in heav'n's abodes, thyself a God amid'st th' immortal Gods.
With arms unshaken, infinite, divine, come, blessed pow'r, and to our rites incline;
The mitigations of disease convey, and drive disasterous maladies away.
Come, shake the branch with thy almighty arm, dismiss thy darts and noxious fate disarm.

Hercules is invoked in this psalm, hercules was teh Christ before Christ the enlightened one, represented by many, tamed and untamed, titan spawn as well as teh child of a titan and female human, here titan means divine god and teacher( didactor from tito to do titan(. fathered by chronos as well, father of time, all those who were Hercules or equals, of divination and spiritual power, dinatos power as strong fertile and grace of God(s) source of power only begotten, peacemaker, offspring of the earth(s) and other places, here you see Hegel's source of cronos as time and scenario master of creation, the crone of being and his son python or Zues or grandson Hercules are all one. self bron or only begotten as the protogenos( see above) these are teh avatars and beings spirits and sources of power and being accorded through the avatars and the only begotten represented through them, of men and women. these avatars go by nanny names through share teh only begotten as one and source, incarnated in them in being and called by name to be the same only begotten and God(s) An immortal god who was with mortals now immortal who has been incarnated as a Hercules who di twelve tasks to shine. may your many arms infinite glory and emanations bless us. Help us remain healthy avoid strife and evils( that are not good) make good things happen and not things not and we recall that you sit by thy emanations in various heavens. Hercule(s) were both avatars of God AND THE ONLY BEGOTTEN THOUGH THERE WERE LIKE SAINTS ONES BETTER KNOWN THAN OTHERS.

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