Sunday, January 29, 2012

Magic types

last week the someone was dealing with wizards and priests that wanted to delineate the difference. all forms of magic are the same and rooted to the same god powers and systems.

1 der- magery sometimes attributed to mages and wizzards, sorcery. eg raging fire burn and light my stove.
2 dit- magic acclaimed to clerics. blessinmg holy water, its blessed and once blessed it has other powers.
3 dat- spells that incite holy essences or mysteries, like holy communion, calling to the universe based on mystery essence prayers like bhuddhists and doiests.
4 dar- open prayers that include calling to higher powers, like oh Godz I hope no one is there.
5- div- a wish or hope desire, a dream,
I wish no one was there.
6- duf is a psichic psionic spell like binding psichically what is necessary to cause something to trigger, like be happy when a costomer walks in.
7 dak- knowledge and esoteric knowledge, like psychology spells associations pavlous dog, esoteric spiritual knowledge.
8.dep- spirit and form, forming spirits , ghosts , form systems like extending the form of smell in natures powers, forms are the building blocks God(s) created to create the universe or things from.
9.dap are summoning and ealing with divine personalities including demons, recall a demons obeys rules of teh good or returns, the4se types of demons are humans like jamacans who tries stealing my food who woul;d kill for a glass of wine, higher deamons like our demon bodies are cosmito or divine demons, we have angel bodies too.
be good and you are safe and empowered.
10, dut- are program access , divine program interfaces, like church systems and others, like seeing the universe like an ether net connected to pod systems and programing powers and spells through it, spell it oput but you must be good touse them or you die, teh mesmetta are based on relations if you do not consider the conscent and well being of the other they fail, from love and indeference, cast an attack spell unjustified not using our system that does not allow a failing, a blessing to the good even as an attack spell and blessings are curses or lessons for bad people. you cannot miss but bad people want the spell to harm good people thus it feeds back and kills them.
I like the someone never fail cause the spell works off the justifications of counterattacks, conscent and always dong teh good, even when called by another name. if one is good all is ablessing and bad a curse or a a bad thing, so use this as a principal so you never miss.
you can link counters from other systems to any systems
; a counter to a sleep spell as a dat is countered by linking it to a counter of a spell as a der.
in magic the advantage goes to the good,
in war to the just
all these things are magic.
each pillar is connected from the floor which is underpinned infinitely by the raw or raw being power and so on, the line above is called natural abilities and is the sureface of the raw.
each of the ten pillars is lined and connected with one side called grace the other power( both divine) they trisect as a parymid below to a dot that is large enough to go over the base into teh raw and on the line of natural ability and above it linking the universal equal access lines unifying the base of these pillars. drawing up wards the pillars trisect triangulate into a point grace and power to a dot equally on the top line which is called God power systems and include systems like theosis and are access denied to evil as not good people. the diadems or divine crowns and systems accessed through grace and power through any pillar which are systems or directly through god power system,s ly on the line with top above in the source and universal quantum( quantum=m universal). there are crowning diadems representing people like Christ, the someone and so on, here the system is embodied as teh person, tehre are many divine programs universally accessed as part of gods house, the rule of one is the equality rule all real gods use to justify the equal dominance over the system, it sits above the someone but is not connected except by a shine unless you try to usurpe the god(s) them it is connection or usable to reinforce this universal access and system, we build a house as god does. each system or the picture above is the cosmos and the reflection making up each person and temple
all ways use magic spirit and each pillar, thus being universal, bad people can be excommunicated for power misuse from any system and any power. joining a new religion does not always return powers you have been xed from. being exed from psi force does not mean joining bugghism will return psi powers.
recall many spells are linked between [pillars and use more than one system for their powers,

Evil is always is the advantage of the good.
more next week.

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