Friday, January 20, 2012

elder grand parent to parent to diefied mature child of God(s)

elder grand parent to parent to diefied mature child of God(s)

one notices that Orpheus uses cronos as the elder god or abstract unity of the above or as God and Rhea as the divine goddess as some later ancient Greeks would refer to Hera and zues. The ekder God or source as divine versus the paradigm of the father and mother god is an old one, cronos is god as the grand father paradigm and rhea grandmother.
The god as father is zues and teh son or daughter of is Hercules and the likes. God as protogen is teh only begotten embeded in each as the daughter begotten is the protogena. and God is the patheasta one unity of a soul socrates later notes as the one shared by all, see the republic.

till tommorow.

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