Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cronos father god eminations avavtars of him as God.

Cronos father god eminations avavtars of him as God.


The Fumigation from Storax.
Etherial father, mighty Titan, hear, great fire of Gods and men, whom all revere:
Endu'd with various council, pure and strong, to whom perfection and decrease belong.
Consum'd by thee all forms that hourly die, by thee restor'd, their former place supply;
The world immense in everlasting chains, strong and ineffable thy pow'r contains
Father of vast eternity, divine, O mighty Saturn [Kronos], various speech is thine:
Blossom of earth and of the starry skies, husband of Rhea, and Prometheus wife.
Obstetric Nature, venerable root, from which the various forms of being shoot;
No parts peculiar can thy pow'r enclose, diffus'd thro' all, from which the world arose,
O, best of beings, of a subtle mind, propitious hear to holy pray'rs inclin'd;
The sacred rites benevolent attend, and grant a blameless life, a blessed end.

Here cronos is incited, all things are the emanations of the abstracted god represented by cronos as the face, this is God as cronos. he is teh source of all being the father being who is the emanations of all, the wife or Goddess is represented by the face of Rhea who is equally God. all things perfected, the more something has or the less is all encompassed by GOD REPRESENTED AS CRONOS. hE IS INFINITY AND ALL, DIVINITY AND POWER.

cRONOS IS ALSO PROMETHEUS Wife's husband, meaning he is also the avatars who represent him, who are his emanations, as God and as cronos teh angel, so the avatars of cronos as also Hercules and Christs- avatars of God. He is also teh divine spirit that is in all things as God is all things. Root, and tree of all that begin with this face and ultimately as all from God but through the system of being and creation both automatically and by intervention of angels, god aliens and nature so on and so on
praise cronos.

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