Friday, March 5, 2010

White tigers and korean People

A new mythological journey begins: we will be examining upon request a myth called The White Tiger(Korea) that can be found at

The story is as much a fable as it is a myth.
The character of myth is to illustrate truth in colorful metaphor that has hidden meaning,

What do we know about tigers, what do they symbolise?
Could the tiger like the lion Hercules slew be a metaphor for a group of people?
Do human's like imaging people as animals, fables often do to teach a lesson, myths to make legend and images out of the history they portray.
Could the white tiger of this tale be a people who hide in the mountains near the lead characters village near the Kumgang Mountains in Korea? if it were a tale just about a tiger does it change anything. Is there anything that might support the idea hat the white tiger is a metaphor describing a people based on character or something else like origin or group affiliation. Is the white tiger a group like the triads? Is it something else.
read it yourself and we will look at it tomorrow
Might take a week or two as it is short

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