Saturday, February 27, 2010

Consent of God and humanity

Laertes and Ulysses break bread at lunch the following day. This eating together as equals unifies the idea of the common person, the good farmer, with the good noble. Now all peoples great and small are unified. The goddess Rumor spreads the news of the massacre flying around town. The common people find out about massacre of the wicked suitors. It is seen as divine and thus the news divine presence spreads as the form of the divine grace of the goddess romours. The parents of the suitors meet and hold assembly on the matter of what should be done concerning the massacre. Halitherses, the elder prophet, blesses Ulysses action giving it consent as revenge on the wickedness of the suitors that was destroying Ithaca and Greece. The prophet and priests of Greece also were on Ulysses side and thus the church also felt his actions just. Antinous’s father Eupithes calls for revenge against Ulysses and encourages the assembly to muster their forces into a small army that tracks Ulysses down to Laertes house. This army represents the final faction of dissidence amongst the Ithacans and Greeks who found their children to be insufficient to be part of the new paradigm of virtue and heroism in post Odyssey Greece.
Athena disguised again as Mentor stops the violence as the lesson of the situation caused a lesson to the real desire of the divine and the battle ended. The divine wisdom was gained from the lesson of Antinous’s father who is the only one killed, he was the one who encouraged the fighting against the recommendation of the prophet, church and divine. Once Antinous’s father was killed and being the first it was taken as a sign and lesson, a mentoring of wisdom to cease fighting. It was Laertes’ spears the representation of the commoner and good farmer who killed the one leading the army and revolt to the shift in the paradigm of power as much as it’s return to a now wiser and more virtuous heroic Ulysses. It was the good commoner who eliminated the leadership and stopped the revolt that also taught the divine mentoring of wisdom. They wisdom learnt from this mentoring added to divine wisdoms extended realms of thought on such matters allowed the massacre and the suitors fad from all Greeks memory as well as Ithacans and led to full consent and acceptance of Ulysses as the fully authorised king, Peace was finally restored after 40 years of fighting that started before the Trojan war and ended with the end of the Odyssey, though the great journey Ulysses has to take to fully redeem the paradigm of heroism he represents that must be taken to distant land is not told in the odyssey and some believe it was homers next text that has been almost altogether lost to us. There were many other Homeric tales we do not have anymore. Some have written tales like Ulysses on the beach as the sequel to the odyssey. The redemption does occur though we do not know the details of it though we know Ulysses represents all of Greece in the redemption of the sea, naval travels and Ulysses paradigm as a divine representative of a new more peaceful Greek virtue of heroism.

Truly the new paradigm of virtue in post Odyssey Greece is peaceful because since the Iliad peace was not restored to Greece and Ithaca till the odyssey ends. Thus, our assessment that the new paradigm of virtue and heroism is peaceful and entails allying and marrying to other nations and not trying to conquer them, was correct.

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