Saturday, March 20, 2010

ants with targets on their backs

the boy finally after three years learned how to shoot the top leaf to the tree the old innkeeper had pointed out. However , accomplishing this task did not impress the innkeeper who said " Just because you can do that, it still doesn't mean you can out shoot your father. Why, your father used to set an ant on the side of a cliff and then, from a distance of three miles away, he would shoot that ant off without even scratching the surface of the cliff. No matter what a fine gunman you may be, certainly you can't match that." It took another three years to learn how to do the impossible task of shooting an ant three miles awaym without out scarring the hill the ant was situated on. The inn keepers tasks were as impossible as the boys mother. She wanted to save the boys life as she had seen many passer by die trying to hunt the white tiger.
Her inn was the last before entering the mountains where the white tiger lived.
If one notes the tiger has now lived past the average age of a real white tiger, yet the tiger in the tale is as young and ferocious as it was 30 years ago.
till next week

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