Wednesday, March 17, 2010

update on gas prices

I just got off the phone with Enbridge gas distribution and listened to their blurb on gas prices.

Here in Ontario and it is similar around the country:
gas prices went up Jan 1, 2010 to 19.96 from 19.86 cents\ per cubic meter of gas.
the Ontario Energy board has approved this rate
One receives a 7.0494 cent reduction of the price based on a gas rebate
thus the cost is 12.9141 cents.
Whether you have a set contract for gas prices or not, Enbridge, or your contract provider, will charge you approximately 3 cents for transportation for each cubic meter of gas consumed. So you will pay about 16 to for example 33.2 plus 3 cents totaling 36.2 cents with a contract for gas prices.
the price increase is due to higher transportation costs moving gas alone pipe lines and so on to Ontario from the USA and western Canada.
Distribution decreases will amount to 18 cents worth of saving a year.
You can call enberigde or any distributor for a update on current gas prices.
All provinces offer rebates thus making gas prices cheaper.

that is the gas issue done.

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