Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gas price scams exposed

It has come to my attention that many companies now offer Gas price scams that have ripped off millions of people. Direct energy and Right price are two such companies. Such companies offer you contracts, often for 5 years in which you lock your gas price at what they often fraudulently call " market price". Usually this shady practice sets the price at three times the amount one might pay using a direct company gas supplier, like Enbridge gas distribution, that has its prices set by the federal government and is regulated to allow the necessity of gas or other fuels to be used for heating and cooking. Other energy supplies are also contracted out in the same manner, such as oil and electricity. In the 15 to 20 years this scam has been used no such company has ever lost a dime as they price themselves at such a high rate that even a shortage crisis could not exceed the amount they charge you. They have made millions and have caused many people who have inefficient fuel consumptions to go bankrupt.
Direct energy offers you a price of 34 cents per cubic meter where the controlled price offered by enbridge gas distribution is 12 cents.
These thieves collect their blood money from poor suckers not aware that they were lied to and scammed.
I recommend anyone who has such a contract to break it or at least not renew it if the calculations concerning breaking such a contract exceeds the extra cost of the gas till the contract expires.
If you have such a contract or know someone who does sit down and do the calculations or recommend they do same.
For example if your gas bill on such a contract is $300 it would be $100 a month and would exceed in one year the approximate $1000 it takes to break such a contract.
They say such a contract makes you feel secure that prices will never exceed their price during said contract duration, but the extra loss of money makes life more insecure and realizing you were fleeced
makes one feel like a Pigeon ripped off by such crooks.

Spread the news and tell everyone you know paying energy supply costs such as oil and gas so we can finally put an end to such shady practices.
$200 can buy a lot so why should the regular folks not spend their hard earned money rather than making such companies, which fraudulently acquired such contracts from those less aware of the real nature of this scam, rich and fat for offering nothing but a fruad that the make sure they and only they profit from.
I know retired people who have gotten so sick due to losing money this way that their lives were ruined and they ended up in hospital because they became ill not being able to make ends meet while companies like direct energy rip them off and are happy that they made blood money on such poor people

I will post my next post on the white tiger fable later toda

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