Theodicy-politics and why our idea of producing peace works
by valpetridis @ 2008-08-15 - 16:57:28
I changed the poem a bit to be more reflective of my current thought, an exercise and wisdom.
Ok before I post of the devil down link providence caused me to get reminded yesterday about theodicies.A proof against evil is an age old argument that tries to reconcile evil though it is not fully defendable; a theodicy is a completely defendable concept.God created the universe to allow it to evolve beings that are his equal, in choice of goodness and power. The mechanical system as described by deist does actually run on its own and creates the individuation that allows for a oneness, Unlike deist beliefs God does intervene every so often and can break into the program and cause a timeless state for some and the entire system if God desires it. Natural evils are part of the systems function, i.e. floods and the likes, these allow us to further ourselves by countering their effects and in some fashion do what God did not, and children should excel in certain things on their own. Once you achieve oneness you begin becoming an adult. Human evils are perpetrated by humans and they should not blame God or any name of god or angel for this evil. God wants us to realise greatness and ascension to transcendence on our own, he wants us to create beings and ideas to actuate his being and by doing so empower ourselves. He wants us to maturely achieve this goal on our own,Last thing:
As people like to scape goat the devil for their own actions, God allows people the free will to act and also allows everyone to learn from it, it is taking responsibility for ones own actions and evolving past this that is the goal. God allows an object to fall by the laws of gravity without intervening; in the same manner God allowed human’s to do things to humans either due to the natures of those who are involved or as martyrs meant to change a situation by the appalling nature of those circumstances to others. This is why Christ was put on a cross, Buddha run out of India and Socrates drank hemlock. In atrocities both types of people exist, and this is why such events are martyrdoms meant to teach us not to do such things again. It is humans who can stop such evils from occurring again as God wants us to evolve past doing this to each other. .We both have to take responsibility for our actions and promote behaviors that progress our specious to greater heights, God wants mature children who have evolved to a peaceful race and not because he stopped them from killing each other, but because they evolved past it, thus they learn to be that way as a permanent part of their being. Give a man a fish he eats for a day teaches him to fish he now has a means of eating without you being there (you feed him for life). It was once ok to beat your wife, but things changed. It was once ok to kill disobedient children, things changed, it was once ok to crucify someone healing someone and doing the work of God on the Sabbath, things open your mind and take responsibility for your own actions and others, and you will find promoting good ideas and peaceful concepts does make the world better and progresses humanity,. Providence can achieve much and has fail safes, but it takes all of us to promote peace to achieve it,
Providence tries to teach the best it can and make events count for as much as they can. God just does not break into the system because of deistic machine ideas but also as means to cause the evolution see the meaning of life in the first book, its to produce children that are equals, to achieve gods goodness we have to learn to be good, even though the system was made to individuate us and thus has evolved as it has, we grow self sufficient, thus we must be that way too based on perfect choice as it was in gods mind.Peace
When human’s have xenophobic ideas that cause conflict and God knows they know better, God hopes to have them learn the higher lesson, so he allows that to happen because they cause it themselves with the desire to make as much out of this martyrdom as possible to teach people not to do it again. God prefers you do not kill each other and blesses those who try to stop such things but if a large system group or even individuals cannot be stopped then he makes it a lesson for all. The Germans were very xenophobic in the past, they read Christ’s teachings but chose not to obey it, they thought only German blood made in German (of course there were enlightened exceptions amongst them) The Hebrews were very xenophobic and also believed only a blood line link through their mothers made them Jewish, they insulted the religion of the Germans and the Germans insulted them. Both were taught by their religion not to do so, God tried to reason with them. This situation did not help bring peace between them and even caused horrible atrocity. One that we all have learned from and hopefully will learn to never cause such a thing again, the basis of the first text in the blog is to dispel the types of ideas that led to such conflicts and the text achieves this, God wants the best result from whatever we do to each other and helps it become a lesson to help us progress and evolve past it. Thus nothing happens to anyone that God does not want though he does not cause it he does funnel it to produce as much good as possible as the lesson of Job teaches, God has ways to turn even the evils we do to each other into something positive for everyone: As society grows up this ends. Some might say look at Tibet? Why does the Dali lama tell those left in Tibet do not talk the anti Chinese politics we did? Was there no peaceful accord? Why do the atheist and theist fight in china? Why do they no longer fight at the political level in Russia? Is there a way to repair such rifts, yes there is. Not by trying to sneak in bibles into the country but finding a suitable common ground as I did, The actually liked my work, But I believe their atheism is good, I did not try to convert anyone or undermine them. They agree that moa was a secular dualist. However it takes more than me to achieve a change, if we were not seen as a threat to their ideology then they would not wage the wars of information they engage in. I did not say I am right you are wrong, but believe what you will, but said we are both right, we both have ideas that benefit all of us and everyone will benefit from our mutual understanding. There is much more to do to change the relations into peaceful co-existence on both sides. My exchanges with the government were met well. I also like the Dali lama.
There are links between various collectives including at the higher levels like the universe or continuum, to those acquainted with ideas and those drinking a coffee on the other side of the world.Similar beliefs link unknown people as well.
Why does one need a divine program, name of God to police the down links to lower plains, why such programs are always good but seen as the scape goats of a society, for Maya was good but necessary to achieve good and control the transcendence and links to people yet to transcend in life and after death.
As I sensed someone on blogger pulling fpr another post I posted one yesterday.
Till next week, we have almost caught up, sept on;y has 14 posts to post so when August is done we will catch up fast.
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