Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ideas of time, more on the Adam passage,, evolving humanity, the dio valenti, filters and codes to access the higher systems and empower you and chang

Ideas of time, more on the Adam passage,, evolving humanity, the dio valenti, filters and codes to access the higher systems and empower you and change humanity.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-13 - 15:50:02
Ideas of time, more on the Adam passage,, evolving humanity, the dio valenti, filters and codes to access the higher systems and empower you and change humanity.
The idea of the end of time reflects the idea that humanity is evolving into a deified specious. That at the highest dream it is turning into a star trek Q like being, at any level our abilities and access to other plains and ways of being are manifesting, This process takes time and begins by maturing both the religious and the existential aspect of humanity to create peace, It is a first and important step.
This text is describing the universal archetypes that govern all religions, the mechanisms of the dio valenti. These mechanisms bridge the gap between religions and empower us as we learn how each accesses God as God does. It furthers the divine project by teaching people how divine systems and their creation allow for this access of God. The archetypes of this mechanism hardwired onto the over all web exist in all religions and allows for the bridging of each as misconceptions are dolt with. The system entails code , the universe is hardwired with e-rom( programe machine code) that disregards misconceptions and locks those who believe them and practice them into the system, these are program errors that are purged after death, if not rectified in life, and often cause harm and conflict, rather than bring peace. The truth of these archetypes stand based on simple premises such as equality thus racism and polygamy counter this base lesson and as shown in the first book( see the beginning of this blog) go counter to the beliefs of the enlightened who experienced transcendence and are considered founders of those religion. They became enlightened by not following misconceptions that went beyond the standard common sensible tenants of reality. Not one Hindu enlightened mystic nor text claims to reincarnation, though some use the term to refer to become avatars of God(s) and to assist souls get their wings and learn what is necessary to transcend from lower levels of purging and testing Though this will be covered later, dream worlds and temporary fantasy places can be built but do not constitute the reality necessary to gain the codes or prerequisites to reach higher levels and achieve transcendence. One is not punished for such beliefs if they foster no evil in practice. Yet their maintenance withholds essential code for transcendence and causes conflict that can lead to evil. As many Muslims note the word Jihad does not exist in the Koran( see Islamicworld .com for examples)The idea is to bring everyone” to get as many people through as we can” to a level that some hypostatize and never at a distance the divine founders and beings in the universe, Consider them your equals to become their equals and as Socrates claims” stand where they do” both in power and understanding. It is the way to evolve humanity to higher levels of consciousness and peaceful co-existence. It teaches the mechanisms so we not only use what exists but understand how it came to be and thus begin utilising it like technology and physical reality. It is like learning to manipulate impressions so you are not simply subject to them, but able to alter them in a positive fashion.
The idea that to be an Adam one must be a good one is the code request for both his placement and removal. For God empowers no one who is evil, if you cannot learn to be peaceful with others, both physically and psychologically within the restrictions of this world, how do you suspect that you will be able top do so with real powers. The maintaince of reality based on mechanisms like the laws of physics is important as a form, or code for building worlds. In our day and age there are people who have not killed, who defended our freedom as the Vikings would say virtuously., who chose to be as good as possible, yet also did pleasurable things that harmed no one and were fun.If you believe this is possible, to access, create and alter the framework of reality m to become avatars, transcend then you have opened the door for you to achieve it using any and all methods available in the universe, from new age to traditional religions and anything else, including science. Be all that you can be no matter what you are and doing, from working to cooking to thinking, examine it as part of the prospective of existence and the way the program(s) of the universe had brought it to be for you in your life, empower yourself with intelligence and wisdom, dreams and good actions Push the envelope of conceptual being, the envelope of systems and ideas to make them better. Aim high and do your best to take even the tiniest step towards it, it works, no matter how you are treated in it, the better you are, the better the system gets, no matter how others treat you, but teach them lessons without doing evil together we get to create a better here and now, empower ourselves and ultimately free our selves to greater powers and resistance, fighting over little things when you can debate and find peaceful constructive agreement caused more profit for everyone and truly empowers at all levels including just simple daily interaction between the parties involved. Would you rather change water to wine m with or without the fruit of knowledge or would you rather fight over stupidities.
Have you ever read something in a book that you could not find later, even after reading the same text twice? It happens to everyone and is a divine way to sneak someone a lesson.

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