Friday, November 21, 2008

Plants, elves, green and brown thumbs.

Plants, elves, green and brown thumbs.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-20 - 15:38:57
Plants, elves, green and brown thumbs.The someone often brings holy energy down on plants. After doing so on his house plants he would feel a vague thirst when it was time to water them. He once accidentally tore a branch from a plant while taking his bicycle out of the house( a planmt he had not brought holy energy down on yet) and felt its pain like an energy for the rest of the day. However, when he prunes the plants and speaks sweetly to them he does not feel this pain energy. He even says ‘thank you’ to the rose bush when cutting a rose for a beautiful women and in 1998 heard the rose speak like a women saying “he still loves me” after smelling the roses while leaving his garden. He also thanks the plants when he picks of their fruit and found higher yields where produced when doing so. He sometimes thinks and laughs that he is like an elf.Even the carbon dioxide he produces while speaking and being around plants helps them, as they help him by producing oxygen by the light side reaction the plants natural produce.The gift of having a green or brown thumb are part and parcel of treating plants with dignity, though also not being afraid of walking on grasses and enjoying their many gifts, like fruit, shade and so on.

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