Friday, November 21, 2008

A peom as I write my next post

A peom as I write my next post

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-20 - 20:33:53
Spirita storn is brewing one without winds, but lots of lightningpeople shuffle like clouds charged up with firecausing the skys and the earth to rumbleas the sun rests steaming rainbows through cloud coverbreaking the mourning unsettled airto the peace that comes at the end of this storm.
did the ground learn anything from the lightning?was it taught anything by the thunder rumbling?did the people cause a hurricane?a down pour of peafel ideas?does the drench soil note speak of things moved by the storm?
No winds but those effected were blown awaythier cover exposed to the pour of raining ideasas the people cloud only for a second the fire of the thunder and the lightningas the part after colliding in ways of peaceful agreementto allow the suns light shine a bnew far and wide.

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