Monday, May 13, 2013

so it continues- ritual madness

so cosmopolitan day came and went, last week monday as you know, next year passem will be celebrated may 1 weekend and cosmopolitan day the week end first week end of june, it is teh pentahost too and the ascentioon days, that includes the sonmeones ascention and walk with Godtha ( God as unified engenmdered, god and goddess included) This was celebrated cosmically first celebration of this kind ever. We have begun the parade of countries. Many idiots have died as we enjoyed teh rise of the new from their ashes. The meheretha has begun too, alexander teh great is the master of diefication, his wife divinification, the someone is theotics and all and teh somebody, women, is master of the masters and the divine. in maxy master and mastery is the sme word though they have a word for each that is diferent, here the master of masters is also masterie4s but you would call these masteries thier masters. what one mastered as in master degrees, my mastery is my master. oriental and kosethet masters liek those of sholin templa ( formered) speak of masters. Master daha of flight for instance, see citizen kane. Yes the same person is teh master of flight in maseetha or maheratha as we have already called it. we will continue parading this week and have teh master of ceremoniesd that we use as a term cemence teh next level of the ceremony. the masters peek in christ was said to be a masterous, a master with a master and you called it carpenter, though he was one of those too. the real refrence is to teh fact that he is teh master of ... wait and see as this refeence was to his unity with teh maheratha ritual. former macidonians. martial arts uses masters as does drethera and mahot, mahoot mentions it in thier lists of powers, realm masteries. though each master is of all , as you recall the list I described of the over arch mastery, the gods and all. the all is only the divine good reflection. They are all gods. all will be included what is your mastery and realm of mastery.

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