Monday, May 13, 2013

last look at Jason

The analysis of jason should begin by looking at teh overall result, jason and his wife tradeta won the golden fleece by use of rights and wisdom, they worked togetehr. The fleece is something no one can give you, it is something you must earn. if you succeed in the rites by rights which includes the sexes; equality of all genders, eople who are good, then you can earn teh right to be called w inner and eat of the fruit of lifwe and thus live forever ( see revolations) the golden skin is a golden fruit or food, it is teh gopldenening of teh skin of those who partake in it, you can gain teh right to eat of teh fruit without having to win all teh rights except those that would let you win teh right to eat it, you do not have to win teh right to represent all epoples to be good and virtuous by nature to eat the fruit of life and klive forever. Theseus was about authority rights this about right to carry the argos or covenant of all peoples and Godz . all the heroes we have looked at were diathethas and thier mates deathethea. as you reclall teh arc of teh coven has deferent heroes represented in it, as it is made up of these heroes and gods, Although by thier right of representation,. jason represnted those in teh arcus to be placed as one of them amongst them, none of these other heroes apear at any other point in the tale. Thier part and unity withe the divine thier work to upgrade the represent teh coven is noted by thier includion which now includes teh someone. the rep really represents the good people of the epoch and the heroes not mentioned who ascended with them. This is teh lethitic ritual that god as godtha teh system began with teh someone in feb 2011 or 15.3 KS+ ( kosmic synchronisity plus, 15 and so years after teh someones walk with godtha and teh destruction of the whole cosmos leading to its new recreation, , one cosmic destruction was teh coven, never again) So jasons part was added to the body of teh arc of teh coven as moses was or david ( dratheric lioisted in list of names of thjose in teh arc) We have now finished Jason adn orpheus. Prpheus was one of teh heroe3s in teh coven argos. The argus sometimes is caleld teh arc of teh helenists or cosmic peoples of all the cosmos. Not all geroes are from terran braha the venesa and mars named druthic wis from marza, full list is 850 people, mars is in teh list with zetha. sub lists are in dratherics text of the argus. see what some call teh second historian after thucidities). peace till next week we will start cadmus , then last text wuill be teh iliad again dragons sleep when satiated and impressed, tehy al;so wake and listen helping those who acco,plish such good tasks.

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