Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pertussis success rise

from Bellerophon provides a lesson in the proper relationship between a mortal hero and the gods. When he was young he honored the gods and won their favor but, then his pride got the better of him and led to his downfall. bellorfon is a good example of a mortal growing to become a god, a demi god which means god from teh people. He prayede and thought and gained teh favour of his people and gods. God was pleased with him. They claim pride overtook him but rather as mentioned before his powers were greater than need of a simple flying steed. nore on this as we get to it. Bellerophon was the son of Eurynome, wife of Glaucus, by Poseidon. He was raised by Glaucus who thought Bellerophon was his own son. Considering both his fathers involvement with horses it is not surprising that he quested after Pegasus. After many failures he asked the seer Polyeidus for help. Belloronthon is teh first hero whose fathers posiedon and Glaucus are considered by some to be teh same people, but as a son of god many only began to see how demi gots or imethes are actually also of eth uman avatar. poisoden and Glaucus are one. He sought the flighted horse pegasis to reach the hieght of his being. To be all that he could be, the horse pr jacobs ladder was not present easil;y, nor captured so he sought help from a high cleric like sage Polyeidus more next week, peace guys.

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