Saturday, May 18, 2013

empires krat and panjrata.

ps to last post if you die and get corrected you were in the lower rooms and depiction of correction, you will be cleaned made to submit in lower hells and then retunred and you will find out who you became, same as parthenon patheon, of the Gods. aterran has now added empire or pankrats to its poliyethic structure, toronto is the capital of dietha which includes whole kingdom, dretha eurin. metheta desotha fpormer africa. el;othea iis maci includes most of balkans, tpo former arabia anmd middle teranian 24 pankrata krats are countries ellasia now chas south former italy by thier choice, to venis above , romanitha is part of another hrat, up to sugario old river former turky. capital of elothea is near fornmer serras in maci former china north is sethea and south is part of drasthae,[ a;; gppd they have lected reps by gov called govenate ajors we all elected international governate prime/ each pankrata is represented imperal lethetic rights were taken into account and the arguement of such rights closed , top right hed by krithatha. peace we won

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