Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bellerophon Chimera slayer

from Heroes of Greek Mythology | Bellerophon Bellerophon was one of the demi-god heroes of Greek mythology because he was the son of a mortal father, Glaucus of Corinth, and a god father, Poseidon. Sisyphus was Bellerophon's grandfather. Bellorefon is teh first to be able to explain what we have been refering to as teh unity between the utterally mortal, which is immortal father and teh avatar or rep god working through them as God, possidon in this case. King Iobates of Lycia sent Bellerophon on a suicide quest, to destroy the fire-breathing monster known as the chimera. As tended to happen when kings in Greek mythology used monsters to do their dirty work, Iobates' plan failed. Instead, with the help of his winged horse, Pegasus, Bellerophon was able to complete the task safely. He then conquered the Solymi and the Amazons. Bellorafon was able to slay the chimera, which might refer to a empire mad eup of the component [parts to a chimera, these componenst might be the emblem animals representing these people. he road the pegesis. then he unified the amazonians and the Solomyn by concurance. Upon Bellerophon's return to Lycia, Iobates gave him half his kingdom and his daughter. upon return kas Iobates gave half his kigdom to his dayghter who maried our hero. In time, the gods and goddesses came to hate Bellerophon. According to Pindar this is because Bellerophon tried to use Pegasus to get to the home of the gods. Zeus drove the horse mad with a gadfly and so Bellerophon fell from it. our hero tried reaching the heavens but it was not ion the wings of pegasis that he succeeded. He used a gadfly which socrates made famouss as teh wisdom and ideas that gets you off your ass, bellorafin succeeded belorafatus for some, got off the hourse and succeeded using wisdom and ideas thanks to zues, no horse can get you to heaven, it can lead you to teh water but you must use yourwon wisodm and skills to drink from it. till later peace

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