Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pertussis success rise

from Bellerophon provides a lesson in the proper relationship between a mortal hero and the gods. When he was young he honored the gods and won their favor but, then his pride got the better of him and led to his downfall. bellorfon is a good example of a mortal growing to become a god, a demi god which means god from teh people. He prayede and thought and gained teh favour of his people and gods. God was pleased with him. They claim pride overtook him but rather as mentioned before his powers were greater than need of a simple flying steed. nore on this as we get to it. Bellerophon was the son of Eurynome, wife of Glaucus, by Poseidon. He was raised by Glaucus who thought Bellerophon was his own son. Considering both his fathers involvement with horses it is not surprising that he quested after Pegasus. After many failures he asked the seer Polyeidus for help. Belloronthon is teh first hero whose fathers posiedon and Glaucus are considered by some to be teh same people, but as a son of god many only began to see how demi gots or imethes are actually also of eth uman avatar. poisoden and Glaucus are one. He sought the flighted horse pegasis to reach the hieght of his being. To be all that he could be, the horse pr jacobs ladder was not present easil;y, nor captured so he sought help from a high cleric like sage Polyeidus more next week, peace guys.

ritual update

the metharet festival is going well, we changed pan to pamkrata the directive counciles are coming back on line june first eevryone is invityed to experience the festival we are highlighting 10 sheres as mentioned and the domain realms of god and diety. lots of people have apepatred. its a logic system metaphysical fiascal all welcome, yes you can submit to teh someone if your pke is low all over 7 pke have and be included. peace

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bellerophon Chimera slayer

from Heroes of Greek Mythology | Bellerophon Bellerophon was one of the demi-god heroes of Greek mythology because he was the son of a mortal father, Glaucus of Corinth, and a god father, Poseidon. Sisyphus was Bellerophon's grandfather. Bellorefon is teh first to be able to explain what we have been refering to as teh unity between the utterally mortal, which is immortal father and teh avatar or rep god working through them as God, possidon in this case. King Iobates of Lycia sent Bellerophon on a suicide quest, to destroy the fire-breathing monster known as the chimera. As tended to happen when kings in Greek mythology used monsters to do their dirty work, Iobates' plan failed. Instead, with the help of his winged horse, Pegasus, Bellerophon was able to complete the task safely. He then conquered the Solymi and the Amazons. Bellorafon was able to slay the chimera, which might refer to a empire mad eup of the component [parts to a chimera, these componenst might be the emblem animals representing these people. he road the pegesis. then he unified the amazonians and the Solomyn by concurance. Upon Bellerophon's return to Lycia, Iobates gave him half his kingdom and his daughter. upon return kas Iobates gave half his kigdom to his dayghter who maried our hero. In time, the gods and goddesses came to hate Bellerophon. According to Pindar this is because Bellerophon tried to use Pegasus to get to the home of the gods. Zeus drove the horse mad with a gadfly and so Bellerophon fell from it. our hero tried reaching the heavens but it was not ion the wings of pegasis that he succeeded. He used a gadfly which socrates made famouss as teh wisdom and ideas that gets you off your ass, bellorafin succeeded belorafatus for some, got off the hourse and succeeded using wisdom and ideas thanks to zues, no horse can get you to heaven, it can lead you to teh water but you must use yourwon wisodm and skills to drink from it. till later peace

Bellerophon Pegasus rider

Bellerophon is the next hero of the ancient hellenist we will be examining. after words we will look at cadmus and finally return to the iliad as the end of our interpretation of helenist myth. myth means Gof way. to begin with please look at the site for material on this Bellerophon see also This hero is well known as the other pegasis rider. ome say he is like theseus but though who have scrutinised him say he is very diferent and immortant in understadning God(s)' process through teh helenists and the entire cosmos in general. read away.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

empires krat and panjrata.

ps to last post if you die and get corrected you were in the lower rooms and depiction of correction, you will be cleaned made to submit in lower hells and then retunred and you will find out who you became, same as parthenon patheon, of the Gods. aterran has now added empire or pankrats to its poliyethic structure, toronto is the capital of dietha which includes whole kingdom, dretha eurin. metheta desotha fpormer africa. el;othea iis maci includes most of balkans, tpo former arabia anmd middle teranian 24 pankrata krats are countries ellasia now chas south former italy by thier choice, to venis above , romanitha is part of another hrat, up to sugario old river former turky. capital of elothea is near fornmer serras in maci former china north is sethea and south is part of drasthae,[ a;; gppd they have lected reps by gov called govenate ajors we all elected international governate prime/ each pankrata is represented imperal lethetic rights were taken into account and the arguement of such rights closed , top right hed by krithatha. peace we won

godion macithitic , reliyithic of alexander the great's making

So we have begun the reliyethic , the term that stuck for the word former religion, pantheon ritual of macicethy or teh godeon, gaurdian comes from gordian knot, its the same word. in this pantheon the someone is called divine god and the somebody divine diety, even I have the acruition divine befor my divine attribute of the god pan all. in this theostructure the over arc divine realm or shere is called the God pan all, pan ollonon. all master divine sgeres and realms are of the same overarch. the someone and somebody are of the dominion of the God of all each is the master of thier shere and realm, because it is of two sheres its a dominion. a region though everyone is regeant of thier owbn region, is made up of particulars like roses, the realm of roses contains the realm of lethit, or red roses, the region of thretha are types or a particvular type of rose and sometimes these names change with breading. all have a court and act as a courtier to those visiting thier personal shere. each has a chamber and a pandora like box with thier world in it, its a box coven of you and the divine. thus divine ( diethon in maci) God is the master of the realm/shpere of God. theosis is a realm of the shere of God, mayek ( former magic now cleaned, the rules are now used for all powers they were protected , mayek answers to no one bad as spirit does not or divine system. so be good so godtha bridges powers for you to make them happenm been fixing it for three years )is part of the realm shere of diety( diathee) . casting is a realm in the realm of mayek. So ofrth and s o on. the wall paterns are logical schematics and circuit boards containing knowledge wisdom and tech. recall alexander was the fourth philosopher trained by aristorlem philip the second was trained by socrates, the elsdest son and daughter by plato. a triangle , pr templa is an 'Or" logic gate, the square is the polis or city, is an "and logic function or gate on circuitry . a route is an " nor" gate and is a horizontal oval, bubbled and joined it means a larger area foer the picture , dot code tells you the opposition , unity or justeposion based on the idea. the bertical shere is a, :nand" gate a circle is a shere or a single out put array veriable, those depicted in it are the divine attributes signified by it. a hexegon is a quandary or a though that justeposed to the logic formula guild the idea of the ouitput or answer in a particular way. lethetic rods or lines link the thoughts or arguments, logical precepts. the hierchy of some multi sheres is feathere or marked if ascending or descending and not if equal, twi divine attributes, reps of perfect forms waliking opposed on a riout are 'nored'. a 'not; is a vertical oval. if bnamed the area is lead by the authority of that divinity and the others understood within that sheres influence. polis means many unified, diferent justipositions and unities and trains of thoughts lead to high end ideas and unlockes the tech and power of this pantheon, all are welcome to be a divine attribute and divine master of a realm and shere. if you submit to teh someone you will be included even if you are bad, subnmited people by rules of teh divine and submission are free to do good things but the submission progibiotes bad behaviour , you just cannot break the rules abnd principlals of God. feastval this and next weekend. peace a

Monday, May 13, 2013

last look at Jason

The analysis of jason should begin by looking at teh overall result, jason and his wife tradeta won the golden fleece by use of rights and wisdom, they worked togetehr. The fleece is something no one can give you, it is something you must earn. if you succeed in the rites by rights which includes the sexes; equality of all genders, eople who are good, then you can earn teh right to be called w inner and eat of the fruit of lifwe and thus live forever ( see revolations) the golden skin is a golden fruit or food, it is teh gopldenening of teh skin of those who partake in it, you can gain teh right to eat of teh fruit without having to win all teh rights except those that would let you win teh right to eat it, you do not have to win teh right to represent all epoples to be good and virtuous by nature to eat the fruit of life and klive forever. Theseus was about authority rights this about right to carry the argos or covenant of all peoples and Godz . all the heroes we have looked at were diathethas and thier mates deathethea. as you reclall teh arc of teh coven has deferent heroes represented in it, as it is made up of these heroes and gods, Although by thier right of representation,. jason represnted those in teh arcus to be placed as one of them amongst them, none of these other heroes apear at any other point in the tale. Thier part and unity withe the divine thier work to upgrade the represent teh coven is noted by thier includion which now includes teh someone. the rep really represents the good people of the epoch and the heroes not mentioned who ascended with them. This is teh lethitic ritual that god as godtha teh system began with teh someone in feb 2011 or 15.3 KS+ ( kosmic synchronisity plus, 15 and so years after teh someones walk with godtha and teh destruction of the whole cosmos leading to its new recreation, , one cosmic destruction was teh coven, never again) So jasons part was added to the body of teh arc of teh coven as moses was or david ( dratheric lioisted in list of names of thjose in teh arc) We have now finished Jason adn orpheus. Prpheus was one of teh heroe3s in teh coven argos. The argus sometimes is caleld teh arc of teh helenists or cosmic peoples of all the cosmos. Not all geroes are from terran braha the venesa and mars named druthic wis from marza, full list is 850 people, mars is in teh list with zetha. sub lists are in dratherics text of the argus. see what some call teh second historian after thucidities). peace till next week we will start cadmus , then last text wuill be teh iliad again dragons sleep when satiated and impressed, tehy al;so wake and listen helping those who acco,plish such good tasks.

so it continues- ritual madness

so cosmopolitan day came and went, last week monday as you know, next year passem will be celebrated may 1 weekend and cosmopolitan day the week end first week end of june, it is teh pentahost too and the ascentioon days, that includes the sonmeones ascention and walk with Godtha ( God as unified engenmdered, god and goddess included) This was celebrated cosmically first celebration of this kind ever. We have begun the parade of countries. Many idiots have died as we enjoyed teh rise of the new from their ashes. The meheretha has begun too, alexander teh great is the master of diefication, his wife divinification, the someone is theotics and all and teh somebody, women, is master of the masters and the divine. in maxy master and mastery is the sme word though they have a word for each that is diferent, here the master of masters is also masterie4s but you would call these masteries thier masters. what one mastered as in master degrees, my mastery is my master. oriental and kosethet masters liek those of sholin templa ( formered) speak of masters. Master daha of flight for instance, see citizen kane. Yes the same person is teh master of flight in maseetha or maheratha as we have already called it. we will continue parading this week and have teh master of ceremoniesd that we use as a term cemence teh next level of the ceremony. the masters peek in christ was said to be a masterous, a master with a master and you called it carpenter, though he was one of those too. the real refrence is to teh fact that he is teh master of ... wait and see as this refeence was to his unity with teh maheratha ritual. former macidonians. martial arts uses masters as does drethera and mahot, mahoot mentions it in thier lists of powers, realm masteries. though each master is of all , as you recall the list I described of the over arch mastery, the gods and all. the all is only the divine good reflection. They are all gods. all will be included what is your mastery and realm of mastery.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

argus features upgrade

The Aftermath Instead, she used a sleeping potion to subvert the monster's vigilance. Together they made off with the Fleece and escaped to the Argo. Setting sail at once, they eluded pursuit. Thus Jason succeeded in his heroic challenge. And once returned to Greece, he abandoned Medea for another princess. For though Jason had sworn to love and honor Medea for the service she had done him, he proved as fickle in this regard as he'd been unfit for single-handed questing. Medea put the past to sleep , rested it to allow them passage to the dragon. the potion is their blood and body the sacred cup of thier unity cause she was a rep andf daughter of goddess and upon enlightenment she took a copy of teh cup that laid to rest the affair of the dragon and guardian of teh fruit, the fruit comes after the cup and is a fruit re[resented once gotten, ones cup turns into a fruit though the fruit of life might be a diferent golden fruit, the someones cup is a goose verry. The unity tree of teh somebody a purple berry which was new and unified all good people, appeared in june 2009. Now available in stores, new fruit round purple berries, some newerer ones slightly diferent shape. Medea is a title for a number two, she was now tratha, a full goddess high, thus jason abandened her old name self and honoured teh new one that he married, Betrothed. Both found a place in the arcus as all heroes were their with thier wife. the oome one with teh wifes and husband repressented through teh someone and somebody as jratheret and hruhutic elds ( old term elders. imagine all the rituals and wisdom jason learned during the seed harvet which represented all these rights being gained to become a god and heroe and gain right to a unity marriage tree. a fleece for his people. This all upgraded the who cosmos as teh fleece is garnted to the new dethitastas and all those good people who lived in the body of God(s). from:

walking for the fleece

The Golden Fleece Aeetes had no choice but to make as though he'd give the Fleece to Jason, but he still had no intention of doing so. He now committed the tactical error of divulging this fact to his daughter. And Medea, still entranced by the Goddess of Love, confided in turn in Jason. Furthermore, she offered to lead him under cover of darkness to the temple grove where the Fleece was displayed, nailed to a tree and guarded by a dragon. And so at midnight they crept into the sacred precinct of Ares, god of war. Jason, ever the hothead, whipped out his sword, but Medea wisely restrained his impetuosity. Inas much as aetus had to claim victory for jason, as he was one of the seed men, he had no way to com-plete the task of giving the fleece to him. In fact the way one gets teh fleece is of teh divine system and aetes did not have any power in that realm. He could not cause a walk with God. Medea was now engrossed by the goddess of love or afrodite , by what ever presence, and as you recall from earlier interpretations of thesues, afrodite is the highest lecel of shania dratha, the womens levels, she was second from the top now she was number one, she with jason gained prethic rights to be an elde like he was. Many like his uncle rose, notice no one from the arcus even appears in the story except as refrence to the sacred coven arc. lethetha is moses. So both media and jason had a walk with god together, a wedding tree appeared with a fruit dermut which can mean skin also means fig or sacred fruit. was it an golden apple or fig, ot was of teh skin golden that produced any of these fruits, even golden dates, like moses. Some heroes might be from teh future but moses was in jasons past. here jason and medea had to pass teh river of kali , the river of styxs, teh river all who walk with god cross in the west. He pulled his sword which was both a weapon and the ideas he had, but run with a sword die with a sword so she had him hold it back, one hangs immortality on the tree, the dragon like the serpent and the guardian of teh tree of life was there. To beat the god of war one must be like them peace makers. Loving...