Monday, May 28, 2012


A Hymn. Leaping Curetes, who with dancing feet and circling measures, armed footsteps beat: Whose bosom's mad, fanatic transports fire, who move in rythm to the founding lyre: Who traces deaf when lightly leaping tread, arm bearers, strong defenders, rulers dread: Propitious omens, guards of Proserpine [Persephone] preserving rites, mysterious and divine Come, and benevolent my words attend, (in herds rejoicing), and my life defend. --Armed Curetes, household Gods [Korybantes, Kouretes, Kabeiroi] I call, with those [Soteroi] who spring from Jove [Zeus] the king of all: Th' Idæan Gods, the angel of the skies, and righteous Themis, with sagacious eyes; all seeing kourretes gods oof the common house of the sky of lightning and of common sight beyond common site. you dance and prace through and everywhere that your feet can measure, thy foot steps are thy armaments. witgh hearts filled with themos or thimit full of fire and enlightenment you are insinc with the rythem of the founding divine song and logos. who listen not to evil, arm the good defend those who need it and give giood advice and practice good rules as rulers and peasants. with effective and powerful omens to warn and fortell, to assist as they gaurd the living and the dead, the dead of persephones hades realm, protectors of true rites, rights, mysteries, mysteriums and the divine. come and make life prosperious and advantageous by the gift of the powers of the song and code of existence played on gods ethernet or lyre in the stadium of all creation, defend us divine beings in life and by the words of the logos or code so we might also be in the rythem of the divine song. from

Saturday, May 26, 2012

life giving planets

life giving planets ok a lwesson needy of reiterating the universe once thought by many on thier planets and spaces was vieled so people would stay in thier places and try to design peaceful co existances from home rather than taking thier primative war like social values to other planets and spaces to add problems to them. the universe or cosmos hid the truth concerning the ;ife abundance that dictates all plaCES. AS A PLANET GETS COLDER THE CHEMS ON IT CREATE WARMING CHEMS LIKE BRITHENTA THAT KEEPS PEOPLE ON PLUTO WARM. OR TRAFENTA A COLLONG CHEM THAT COOLS MERCURY AND VALCAN , THELATTER BEING CLOSER TO THE SUN OR APOLIOS. so its a natural eventy to have xchenms form to cool a planeyt or warm it up to maintain the cionditions necessary for the ranges of life. the program odf the cosmos creates these planets as aliens and advance races do to produce this, for instance crethita a super cold warmer would come into existance if our sun went out, though based on how apolios was created it cabn never go out and is self perpetuating . [eace till tommorow

Saturday, May 19, 2012


[29] XXIX. TO BACCHUS [DIONYSOS] The Fumigation from Storax. Bacchus [Dionysos] I call, loud-sounding and divine, fanatic God, a two-fold shape is thine:\- -to the god storax the fanatical Thy various names and attributes I sing, O, first-born, thrice begotten, Bacchic king: -thrice beggotten, the only beggotten and part of the attributes of the the protogenas. born of divinme unity and as heros like Storax of cyprus, the glue the unified and solidified the water and blood between the gods, the solidity of wisdomborn of water and the sun of God. Bachic as in fertile force of procreation and gods labido or blodd and waters to procreate, like the waters of life or cum that becomes a solid being unified with the waters in the womens womb. Rural, ineffable, two-form'd, obscure, two-horn'd, with ivy crown'd, euion, pure. -0 pure eucarest euion pure unity of the two onesses of the god, the spirit,. the elder and the child. made of perfection as perfect as its state can currently be though they evolve, the waters of spirit made solid steros means dry or dry land. Bull-fac'd, and martial, bearer of the vine, endu'd with counsel prudent [Eubouleos] and divine: -divinely communicated too and through , the importat organising bearer of the fruits of the grape vne and stystems of God it glues together and inbetween. produent and wise in action and reaction, able to commune weith God(s) with. Triennial, whom the leaves of vines adorn, of Jove [Zeus] and Proserpine [Persephoneia], occultly born. -of the queen of death and its fruitas of enlightenment whose trinity and three part only begotten, the glue and underlieing substance of the divine and the faces of Jove and God, Deas. Immortal dæmon, hear my suppliant voice, give me in blameless plenty to rejoice; -impoertant servant and power demon of God giive me riches that are clean prosperity witrh out guilt or wrongly appropriation,, And listen gracious to my mystic pray'r, surrounded with thy choir of nurses fair. -the prayer linking is mystical and one us surrended by interfaces to all by way of the nosom that treat the blody blood of God(s). The body is made of water though our face shines of energy that nurse the body and drink the waters or milk of God(s) nurishing our way to proper prosperity Storax - World News -Pausanias 9.22.1-2 Libations Wine, oil, water, or honey would all be appropriate, classical libations to the gods. Incense Styrax (AKA Storax, Styrax benzoin or ... Storax - Topical Bible The most common of these is liquid storax, a brown or gray semifluid substance of an agreeable .... 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Great Pirate Stories - Google Books Result Lewis French - 2010 - 656 pages "These gods and goddesses cannot help themselves. Until my old chief Storax of Cyprus took it into his head to sack Apollo's temple at Claros, because the god ... storax is the multi fold god of creation, the dry made out of water, not ice but congealed by the face of God. Bcghus the divine island or dianysus is the water of luife and solidity of God, the waters of the divine and its prodreation with verile bull strength. from The Sun of God | Flickr - Photo Sharing! 24 Aug 2006 – This photo belongs to !STORAX's photostream (3293) · Bianchini's Meridian · The Sun of God · Bianchini's Meridiana ...

Friday, May 18, 2012

trasfiguring eyes

Eyes there have been several devices we have policed and are removing as soon as possible that us different types of energy to keep peoples eyes from focusing. 99% of eye almenst are caused by such divices that p;lay off of teh higher sensitivity adults have . children often get use to or transfigure their eyes quicker. these divices are used around lights, computer centers, ambient machines or devices try to ruin eye sight everywhere. light reflecting or loght laser , shadow indycers. Some are ancient and many are modern devices. like light you get use to you can transfigure your eyes to no longer be bothered by them, its like getting use to staring into lava, such eyes are called grithic, your eyes feel like they are tugging gently when transfigured. I can look into a light bulb and see the detaikl on the filiment. They have used light lasers, lite light lasers to shine through wallls but reflect on glass, like glasses. looks dirty smugged but they are not, they ainm at tv sets, colours change, tint the someone has taught how to get use to teh enrhy he saus people are fearful to admit something is interfering with thier eye sight. I have seen road signs and traffic lights go innvisible. blank or show another colour when they are something else dangerous war tactic no the sun will not kill your vision, you can get refrathi eyes by transfiguring or getting use to the sun light, I can see details concernming. light laser shows can also cause double vision that can be stopped by reseting the eyes and getting use to teh light that pulls the retnas in diferent directions, some are old 3d programs that failed and are only used to attack people, be bold and let the eyes trasfigure are these machines are recovewred by the good side, us. \

Saturday, May 12, 2012

More continuum stem ideasstem

onstem one seventy sevn hianda pr energy ranking ranges the playetic dragons live in a plasmatic soup that they can form at will using shentic fields made of sepaerated or better yet , non formed particles that connect the unity of things throgh gethic or high thought energy. playng a stretegy game, talking about god, dreaming good things and high academic thought produce such energy, its the opposite opf thrulic energy that dranngs , energy beings with power, the drathic stem 401 two down one left use to form energy, you need both, they are not exclusive, to form matter into substance unity for the duration of teh thought or tethered into reality by way of permanate memory matrix point refered realities. thus knowing next to where I sleep always a trwee is then the plasma would be a tree next to anywhere I went to sleep, but I could locate the tree based on other programs or thoughts permanated thus a tree is always next to the center of the plain. a main trhought orientatyion is used to avoid conflict between thought, including agreement. so one level to the left is one nefentic unit range, one to the right one prtenthic unit, positive ranges based on unity cohesions , the left or negative is the same but negatiovely drawn. even new time incremented realities are sdegmented as one new unit along the plain branch, so a universe built last year is one less number than the one built now, new plains are added and increm,ented to the end of the sequence. the first dragon or empowrred energy beings, empowered by thier state and not grace of god, electric dragons natuirally can touch a electrical aplience and turn it on by grace of thier nature but not as attained divine grace, those are such dragons who have transcended to higher divinities. yes percephone is a virgin mary a forever virgion partrhena and mother of God, they all all, blessed be the goddessess who mate with us Gods and give borth together to divinity. till next week

Friday, May 11, 2012


28] XXVIII. TO PROSERPINE [PHERSEPHONE] A Hymn. Daughter of Jove [Zeus], almighty and divine, come, blessed queen, and to these rites incline: Only-begotten, Pluto's [Plouton's] honor'd wife, O venerable Goddess, source of life: -Persephone is the daughter of Hod and Zues and a queen thus wears a divine crown. she is teh wife of hector or pluto or hades depenbding. revered as teh source of life and teh wueen of teh dead, only beggotten and not created. 'Tis thine in earth's profundities to dwell, fast by the wide and dismal gates of hell: Jove's [Zeus'] holy offspring, of a beauteous mien, fatal [Praxidike], with lovely locks, infernal queen: -dwelling in the profoundness of matter and earth both guarding and with the gates of hell and hades. also of death and the locks of bueaty and morbidity as its dress. Lovely and infernal. Source of the furies [Eumenides], whose blest frame proceeds from Jove's [Zeus'] ineffable and secret seeds: Mother of Bacchus [Eubouleos], Sonorous, divine, and many-form'd, the parent of the vine: The dancing Hours [Horai] attend thee, essence bright, all-ruling virgin, bearing heav'nly light: -seeding the wisdom of magic, grace and scorcery, source of power and essence there of, Gods powewr channeled as jove through her and dfirectly courced as well., source mother of baccus , merciful. source of life and the little deaths like the sex of baccus. the secred seeds of zues emplanted as ways of mystery as well. as darring jours setting brighhtness and gift as a pamayia pr better yet a [arthena, ever virgin and mother of God, from parthenon, par with Godz enlighhtner too. Illustrious, horned, of a bounteous mind, alone desir'd by those of mortal kind. O, vernal queen, whom grassy plains delight, sweet to the smell, and pleasing to the sight: -illuminating both of mankind and Gods. immortal and mortal subjects. whose plain is fragrant and bueatiful to be in, in those high places where God(s) stand. Whose holy form in budding fruits we view, Earth's vig'rous offspring of a various hue: Espous'd in Autumn: life and death alone to wretched mortals from thy power is known: - whose holy form is many and of place in natures forms of various colours and types. thy wisdom is known and you are all knowing over teh mortals living and dead, gtom such knowledge of deatha dn life power is set to be kbnown and excercised. For thine the task according to thy will, life to produce, and all that lives to kill. Hear, blessed Goddess, send a rich increase of various fruits from earth, with lovely Peace; - life as precious you have but to kill all by grace odf blood covent such as holy cups of ritual we enduce. bring peace creating fruits of labours wisdom and holy fruit of knowledge and pqwoer. not all things die but all can be ritualliscally killed witha blessing that brings no death. Send Health with gentle hand, and crown my life with blest abundance, free from noisy strife; Last in extreme old age the prey of Death, dismiss we willing to the realms beneath, To thy fair palace, and the blissful plains where happy spirits dwell, and Pluto [Plouton] reigns. - bless life with abundance and health free from bad disruptions.- a prayer to aging and death to bless those places beyond so we can with out tribulations and pain live immortally as good people in thy places , plains and realms of hades.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

[27] XXVII. TO MERCURY [HERMES]- to divine wisdom and arts

[27] XXVII. TO MERCURY [HERMES] The Fumigation from Frankincense. Hermes, draw near, and to my pray'r incline, angel of Jove [Zeus], and Maia's son divine; -we now call to mercury or hermes the gods of knowledge letters and symbols. Studious of contests, ruler of mankind, with heart almighty, and a prudent mind. -with a prident mind the studies nature is what rules mankind ans strenthens the heart righteously and prudently. Celestial messenger, of various skill, whose pow'rful arts could watchful Argus kill: - protector of the knowledge of arts and technics. Argus Panoptes (Argus "All-Eyes") is a giant with a hundred eyes. Thus the talents of these arts empowers one past the need to be watched for ones own safety. With winged feet, 'tis thine thro' air to course, O friend of man, and prophet of discourse: with winged feet thy commune is the air and the presence of sophia and psychy. you pass ideas through the air as smooth as flighted feet. your ideas take flight. the knowledge is human friendly and can be molded into discourses or ologies. Great life-supporter, to rejoice is thine, in arts gymnastic, and in fraud divine: -these arts and knowledge help people in life, sopport it, it helps people rejoice and be happier. it even has the art of the body and the great illusions of life and the divine, the way to be empowered by it. With pow'r endu'd all language to explain, of care the loos'ner, and the source of gain. -it empowers all languages and code, its the basis of it. it is the basis of the liogic of winning and gain verses losing, it helps determine it. Whose hand contains of blameless peace the rod, Corucian, blessed, profitable God; - the knowledge brings peace and is the authirity of the rod. the knowledge determines the thought and the authority to determine what is helpful , good and advantageous for goodness and gain: for the empowerment of the art of divinity. a peaceful knowning divine state bassed on the blessings and wisdom gained from these arts and knowledge. Orphic Hymn To Ærmis Hermes, draw near, and to my pray'r incline, Angel of Jove, and Maia's son divine; Prefect of contests, ruler of mankind, With heart almighty, and a prudent mind. Celestial messenger, of various skill, Whose pow'rful arts could watchful Argus kill: With winged feet, 'tis thine thro' air to course, O friend of man, and prophet of discourse: Great life-supporter, to rejoice is thine, In arts gymnastic, and in fraud divine: With pow'r endu'd all language to explain, Of care the loos'ner, and the source of gain. Whose hand contains of blameless peace the rod, Corucian, blessed, profitable God; Of various speech, whose aid in works we find, And in necessities to mortals kind: Dire weapon of the tongue, which men revere, Be present, Hermes, and thy suppliant hear; Assist my works, conclude my life with peace, Give graceful speech, and me memory's increase. from Of various speech, whose aid in works we find, and in necessities to mortals kind: -in speaches and works of all kinds including nature do we find this wisdom and underlying logic that brings the wisdom necessary for life for all divine and mortal alike. it isd these things that lead to being an utter mortal and immortal rather than a mere mortal that can die. Dire weapon of the tongue, which men revere, be present, Hermes, and thy suppliant hear; -a weapon of a sharp tongue, this knowledege helps produce strength , power and authority as people from socrates to christ say. Men revere this power of trying to gain authoprity brutishly, the brutish is fought and polices, wisdom is agreed to by the wise and good and shared as common sense. thus be present divine knowledge and cause supplience to the wisdom and art of the divine to bring peace to all intercourses so [peaceful resolution leads the clerar heads of all. Assist my works, conclude my life with peace, give graceful speech, and me memory's increase. -these things assiost in all lifes endevours and in lifes beyond these ones maintaining peace, divinity . blessings and prosperity m bring the blesssings of good speaches that are convincing and accurate and well informed capable of conveying thier subjects with fuidity and ease to be understood by thus in thier audience. May our memory be increasedm nade total as it really is so we can learn and gain abnd use the divine art and knowledge of the logos and wisdom the Deon (God*s)) from above all verses indented with a hyphen (-) is my comments to the psalm.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Other places spaces as Continuums

Other places spaces as Continuums reality spaces and places represent places and spaces that are continuums or plains but do not continue from a root stem. In fact they are listed in continuuum stems but are not temporally contigent to the historic root trace. they are plains listed in continuum stems. dimentions like crata safe areas that are pass over like places that exist then remerge, if one does not branch a plain from them are considered part of the plain they are in and constituents of them for eklectoral syustem, or the celestial system. if you recall the adam individuation program persona, before becoming one with adam or the atomon one is a dimention of this universe other wise one becomes a plain which is a dimetioned in the shared plain but is a copyu of the universe enveloped fast as it uncrunches. all the electoral plains have been built to be administered from zero stem , thus outside of styems formed but still part of the cosmos or pan continuum, the reflection of them in other stems are reflective doubles whichj difer as the zero continuum is where the politics occur but people see the reflective doubles as part of the stem they are reflected on, but can not be interfered with.