metabeings or angels and humans on the moon.
we are now walking through the oceans of the moon walk but I will go through them later. recall that human'sv live on the moon, the someone got a consession from called sappjb also called truthi and its origin, the common name of the substitute was jaravi or thrafi qwhich is popular substitute in asia and africa respectfully.
krayeta angels pr fprms like keta dragons create reality through methods that change the metara or system that subjects them to thier reality, we form time relatively but there is a field form that interrelates, for such beings time is set relative but independent to the interwoven reality above mentioned.
at high god levels reality can be both.
sychronisity for the later is chosing a point to meet and a relative proportion that might not be ralitive to share, our universe sets time and reality based on each person plus a cosmic clock which is a indepent relative to these beings and a relative shared reality set in constant relative fluc to each other
we create wood in a metrix of the life and reality we share with what forms wood, they form it relative onkly to thier concept even if inspired by something opr someone else.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
psychic dimentinal , more moon politics and policing bad banking and commerce
the badisha are a peoples on the moon who are said to have come from earth though mixed with several extra terestrial races like teh media of mars.
they are ruled by two anarchs who bestow authority to a two tyr political system made up of elected representatives
the brasha are the newest principality born of bahana and the triest unity of the moon, king rafti of the above mentioned granted his daughter a dominion that was anoguarated aug 6 2011.
it will have an elected senate and be part of teh driata electoral council though it will have a parliment of its own.
starting tommorow the someone will be visiting the under water kingdoms under the waters of lunea.
now lets look some more at the magic gifts of dimentionalism as found in the dimentional lock
it like all forms of power are controlled or governed by way of the the god shield or god form that regulates all reality at all levels and contains all the protacals for safety of the good and the policing of the criminal part of the universe that is permanately being changed to the good,
as it is said everything is to the advantage of the good, so stay good.
ok when you said dimentional lock you enter a controlled dimentional lock with the person(s) you are locking with, you mounth could be closed in plain shared reality whjile you are talking out loud to those locked.
for instance in psi powers on can imagine that a mic is off by imagining a hand or filter over it.
during a dimentional lock no one can enter or break the protacal except if you are doing a criome and you get policed by the high end gods and the proper good authorities.
no way to break this but you can use it to your good benefit.
Queen betrix of holland first showed off this ability to the someone who invented the method based on dimetionalism taught by friends like the bagadi or the fifth dimentionmal beings and psi powers.
when you are done your speack in the lock you end the link by saying done or over and out.
I love this power.
if one is using open psi powers without using the lot alot system you are filtered by the godshioeld but in an open system, cops use systems as do agents throughout the world, it was built up upgraded yesterday,
news flash, due to policing by good agents it was discovered that banks had misused a 1950's system of paying defaulted morgages for the porpose of stealing money, they get paid the default morgage though they send it to the broker who also recieves the full amount, one criminal system used was actuallu defauting a loan without telling anyone and collecting the money, the broker also recieves the full morgage from the government.
canada like the us and the world uses this system and new moratoriums over mortgages have been put into place as this crime and others get policed.
the world is changing
ever since martial law was declared such actions are withhekd and no fotrclosures are allowed, anyone sufering anything concerning morgages or attempts to forclose which is illegal should contact the rcmp or police in thier area, interpol is fine too.
criminal corprate bank world failed but the good side which is under reform is still alive and it will be to everyones benefit
the government saves trillians by eliminating morages based on teh old system
as we all have paid extra money hidden in mortgages exceeding the morgages
in canada all mortagaes were defaulted in the last 5 months to get illegal money from the bank of canada that is also under investigation based on these illegal practes
its just getting better for all the good and the money stollen is being confiscated.
these practices had a role in the economic tropubles of the world and fixing them is the only way to repair the economies and have evweryone benefit from it
till next week val
they are ruled by two anarchs who bestow authority to a two tyr political system made up of elected representatives
the brasha are the newest principality born of bahana and the triest unity of the moon, king rafti of the above mentioned granted his daughter a dominion that was anoguarated aug 6 2011.
it will have an elected senate and be part of teh driata electoral council though it will have a parliment of its own.
starting tommorow the someone will be visiting the under water kingdoms under the waters of lunea.
now lets look some more at the magic gifts of dimentionalism as found in the dimentional lock
it like all forms of power are controlled or governed by way of the the god shield or god form that regulates all reality at all levels and contains all the protacals for safety of the good and the policing of the criminal part of the universe that is permanately being changed to the good,
as it is said everything is to the advantage of the good, so stay good.
ok when you said dimentional lock you enter a controlled dimentional lock with the person(s) you are locking with, you mounth could be closed in plain shared reality whjile you are talking out loud to those locked.
for instance in psi powers on can imagine that a mic is off by imagining a hand or filter over it.
during a dimentional lock no one can enter or break the protacal except if you are doing a criome and you get policed by the high end gods and the proper good authorities.
no way to break this but you can use it to your good benefit.
Queen betrix of holland first showed off this ability to the someone who invented the method based on dimetionalism taught by friends like the bagadi or the fifth dimentionmal beings and psi powers.
when you are done your speack in the lock you end the link by saying done or over and out.
I love this power.
if one is using open psi powers without using the lot alot system you are filtered by the godshioeld but in an open system, cops use systems as do agents throughout the world, it was built up upgraded yesterday,
news flash, due to policing by good agents it was discovered that banks had misused a 1950's system of paying defaulted morgages for the porpose of stealing money, they get paid the default morgage though they send it to the broker who also recieves the full amount, one criminal system used was actuallu defauting a loan without telling anyone and collecting the money, the broker also recieves the full morgage from the government.
canada like the us and the world uses this system and new moratoriums over mortgages have been put into place as this crime and others get policed.
the world is changing
ever since martial law was declared such actions are withhekd and no fotrclosures are allowed, anyone sufering anything concerning morgages or attempts to forclose which is illegal should contact the rcmp or police in thier area, interpol is fine too.
criminal corprate bank world failed but the good side which is under reform is still alive and it will be to everyones benefit
the government saves trillians by eliminating morages based on teh old system
as we all have paid extra money hidden in mortgages exceeding the morgages
in canada all mortagaes were defaulted in the last 5 months to get illegal money from the bank of canada that is also under investigation based on these illegal practes
its just getting better for all the good and the money stollen is being confiscated.
these practices had a role in the economic tropubles of the world and fixing them is the only way to repair the economies and have evweryone benefit from it
till next week val
Friday, September 23, 2011
moon politics and moon gates
so mgravity on the moon acts like it does on earth though it adds a bit of speed, on the eartha milimeter per ten meters of fall,
there are seven countries on the moons surface , which has a bio friendly atmosphere.
they have been moving between earth as we have been using moon gates to visit it
meretha is a common name for this twin planet.
in the 1950's pictures of the moon were called hoxes based on looking too much like green earth, so the slow nasa system was used to introduce people to other planets in cluding the moon that many thought was an illusion of light not a living planet, many thought it was there but life only existed on earth
galaleo pointed out to what he saw but this text was beyond forbidden seven exists on the earth.
the moon has been a symbol of power, psi, god, godeess and other worlds, some use to beleive it was a gate to another world. some teh wife of the sun, to some the reflection of the sun in the earth sky.
we have visited the conglamerate nation of danfi and the danfitics, uit is made up of 12 provinces 9 of which of principaalities, made up iof.
they have a central elected council
we also visited roffolty as it was the manitutdit empire on the moon till last earth century, it broke up into two peoples and 25 countries loosly combined through the deritrava
they elect a central el;ectoral and their own governments.
the krasha is the third place made up of 2 peoples and 5 principality / nations, most prefer calling themselves earthlings
they have elected councils and a cetral council governing all of them
the drefta are a peoples with countries on three continents on the moon, they refer to 1`0 continents as we do atleast 6 on earth. the garavi are the governing people though several subject states are part of an equal unity of peoples, kind of like the ussr and usa.
the mouchela are sm,aller humans who claim descendency from the moon though like us earthlings we agree we have mixed in. nowadays they claim to be like us pure mix, three countries with four languages are governemed by a middle council that is countrolede by the patriarch ( or matriarch though male now) on mount tella, he is subgovernmed by twenty peoples and 5 lower houses.
the grafi are three peoples governemed by twelve parentarchs both amle and female, they are religious but are elected
a landed senated is based on theological apointment.
till tommorow guys.
there are seven countries on the moons surface , which has a bio friendly atmosphere.
they have been moving between earth as we have been using moon gates to visit it
meretha is a common name for this twin planet.
in the 1950's pictures of the moon were called hoxes based on looking too much like green earth, so the slow nasa system was used to introduce people to other planets in cluding the moon that many thought was an illusion of light not a living planet, many thought it was there but life only existed on earth
galaleo pointed out to what he saw but this text was beyond forbidden seven exists on the earth.
the moon has been a symbol of power, psi, god, godeess and other worlds, some use to beleive it was a gate to another world. some teh wife of the sun, to some the reflection of the sun in the earth sky.
we have visited the conglamerate nation of danfi and the danfitics, uit is made up of 12 provinces 9 of which of principaalities, made up iof.
they have a central elected council
we also visited roffolty as it was the manitutdit empire on the moon till last earth century, it broke up into two peoples and 25 countries loosly combined through the deritrava
they elect a central el;ectoral and their own governments.
the krasha is the third place made up of 2 peoples and 5 principality / nations, most prefer calling themselves earthlings
they have elected councils and a cetral council governing all of them
the drefta are a peoples with countries on three continents on the moon, they refer to 1`0 continents as we do atleast 6 on earth. the garavi are the governing people though several subject states are part of an equal unity of peoples, kind of like the ussr and usa.
the mouchela are sm,aller humans who claim descendency from the moon though like us earthlings we agree we have mixed in. nowadays they claim to be like us pure mix, three countries with four languages are governemed by a middle council that is countrolede by the patriarch ( or matriarch though male now) on mount tella, he is subgovernmed by twenty peoples and 5 lower houses.
the grafi are three peoples governemed by twelve parentarchs both amle and female, they are religious but are elected
a landed senated is based on theological apointment.
till tommorow guys.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
the world is getting prouder and richer.
If you realise that house heating costs will cost less than one 5th on earth and yes even the moon based on the new system of regulation that costs its users nothing.
utilities managed by a badge till new system fully anagurates as it is.
today you will feel teh cold of many attacking to try to make you pay more for bills by proving you need to. they are a bit behind. its baratic energy and cold energy machines amongst gases and other coolants that are causing this. the new attack is being done by idiots who have no idea what they are doing
task force cosmo earth abnd so on ias countering
big battle on east and west side of toronto, rogue military have reinforced the insurtion , former usa and others , aliens using lower portal doors like rogue martian humans . counter attacks and defence by humans and aliens alike has almost quelled the battle made up of over 120 000 troops on thier side.
the largest battle in canada since 1976 when hitler jr of germany took over under the secret war caopture the flag war countries fought since wwII
ion chicago a similar large battle is being fought, in shagon china its twice the forces fighting over trimiria or han choi.
in rusia truvina , north siberia is a fire field. south africa has had six major battles this summer alon, in europe german republic fell yesterday to give way to 23 new countries , including bismarkia.
s9nce my last listing the 8 groups are triha, bahara, masha, ratnoon, trempa, moofith, granha, and boorit
respectively as nines are traham, hira, hema, magmana, havaha, krata, moori and dareri
eight are extra terrestial holdings and the nine universal governing councils/
the cosmic gov being formed is 10 made up of a rep from each nine which is 1800 aprox and elected leaders from everywhere, be up fully in 2030 but is for some
the physics card is theory then dictem
the neotic prayer net card is hypothesis then theto, or place
the someone is still living anuguaration rituals as he tours and introduces peopple to the moon.
july 8 the death energy chem super attack was cosmic and it was one time date added to the universal calader as was june 6 1998 and sex with god june 7 2007, program insertion god as the completion, it was sex with goddess impregnating full code for upgrade and it is the full actuality that is unstopable.
due to cards and such system eviolution in cosmos is huge
no more evil after 2028
great death caught all cosmos to universal seal of death, see revations, digmata of bughism that includes revolations since 4 AD. ST STALI CELEBRETATED IN OCTOBER IS MOHAMEDS SON, MOHAMED IS CELEBRATED ON THE 18 OF AUGUST AS HIS WIFE AND SEPTEMBER 12 IN CHTRISTIAN ( SEE ORTHODOX AND CHATHOLIC CALADERS) SEE WE ARE ALL CONNECTED
If you realise that house heating costs will cost less than one 5th on earth and yes even the moon based on the new system of regulation that costs its users nothing.
utilities managed by a badge till new system fully anagurates as it is.
today you will feel teh cold of many attacking to try to make you pay more for bills by proving you need to. they are a bit behind. its baratic energy and cold energy machines amongst gases and other coolants that are causing this. the new attack is being done by idiots who have no idea what they are doing
task force cosmo earth abnd so on ias countering
big battle on east and west side of toronto, rogue military have reinforced the insurtion , former usa and others , aliens using lower portal doors like rogue martian humans . counter attacks and defence by humans and aliens alike has almost quelled the battle made up of over 120 000 troops on thier side.
the largest battle in canada since 1976 when hitler jr of germany took over under the secret war caopture the flag war countries fought since wwII
ion chicago a similar large battle is being fought, in shagon china its twice the forces fighting over trimiria or han choi.
in rusia truvina , north siberia is a fire field. south africa has had six major battles this summer alon, in europe german republic fell yesterday to give way to 23 new countries , including bismarkia.
s9nce my last listing the 8 groups are triha, bahara, masha, ratnoon, trempa, moofith, granha, and boorit
respectively as nines are traham, hira, hema, magmana, havaha, krata, moori and dareri
eight are extra terrestial holdings and the nine universal governing councils/
the cosmic gov being formed is 10 made up of a rep from each nine which is 1800 aprox and elected leaders from everywhere, be up fully in 2030 but is for some
the physics card is theory then dictem
the neotic prayer net card is hypothesis then theto, or place
the someone is still living anuguaration rituals as he tours and introduces peopple to the moon.
july 8 the death energy chem super attack was cosmic and it was one time date added to the universal calader as was june 6 1998 and sex with god june 7 2007, program insertion god as the completion, it was sex with goddess impregnating full code for upgrade and it is the full actuality that is unstopable.
due to cards and such system eviolution in cosmos is huge
no more evil after 2028
great death caught all cosmos to universal seal of death, see revations, digmata of bughism that includes revolations since 4 AD. ST STALI CELEBRETATED IN OCTOBER IS MOHAMEDS SON, MOHAMED IS CELEBRATED ON THE 18 OF AUGUST AS HIS WIFE AND SEPTEMBER 12 IN CHTRISTIAN ( SEE ORTHODOX AND CHATHOLIC CALADERS) SEE WE ARE ALL CONNECTED
Friday, September 16, 2011
terran moon walk
after announcing that the land or property taxes have been eliminated fake stories trying to counter this truth appeared. several arrests occurred due to the fake propaganda and politicians ensured that no matter how the enemies of everyone try to misreport the world's affairs to hide how they are losing the battle against justice, truth and God(s).
we began the moon walk on Wednesday and have passed through arefra the kingdom that was once an emporium and now is a state capital. after that he gave us a pompi of several keys tyo vaults equal to the nations on said moon. the regent was given a rod to represent earth moon cosmic unity, then the grta or key rings spiral was given to tatha today we are in anatha which is also a jungle, 2/3s of the moon is an ocean, looks like earth, light white blue is itts astral colour is, earths is blue, its the way light bends on it says science, which bridges its reality to physics, thus making it true. so we gave teh dahada to ramphry and it looks like a nose with holes on top too.
there are seven country unities like nafta on earth, to visit on the the terran moon.( earths moon.
one month on the moon is three days on earth, one day on earth is a month on the moon.
thus the time flux diference and joke in syncronised reality based on fixed yet relative time realities based on the size of planets, the moon accelarates dropped items at 3 zseconds per point as the earthj is 5.7, gravity acts the same, esp for the first 80 feet of drop then minor speed diference to max speed, which is the same plus devience times 2. ie 3 miles per hour down hill on earth is 3 times or .3 on the earth
we began the moon walk on Wednesday and have passed through arefra the kingdom that was once an emporium and now is a state capital. after that he gave us a pompi of several keys tyo vaults equal to the nations on said moon. the regent was given a rod to represent earth moon cosmic unity, then the grta or key rings spiral was given to tatha today we are in anatha which is also a jungle, 2/3s of the moon is an ocean, looks like earth, light white blue is itts astral colour is, earths is blue, its the way light bends on it says science, which bridges its reality to physics, thus making it true. so we gave teh dahada to ramphry and it looks like a nose with holes on top too.
there are seven country unities like nafta on earth, to visit on the the terran moon.( earths moon.
one month on the moon is three days on earth, one day on earth is a month on the moon.
thus the time flux diference and joke in syncronised reality based on fixed yet relative time realities based on the size of planets, the moon accelarates dropped items at 3 zseconds per point as the earthj is 5.7, gravity acts the same, esp for the first 80 feet of drop then minor speed diference to max speed, which is the same plus devience times 2. ie 3 miles per hour down hill on earth is 3 times or .3 on the earth
Saturday, September 10, 2011
the moon walk ands update on finacial situation in ontario
after the space walk we will examine the beings on the earth, an ancient twin planet that orbits the earth, there are several smaller moons that orbit at slightly farther from the moon and earth, these are sometimes call3ed astraroids but some are moons the next one tifon is 2/3 rds teh mioon approximately lok it up
this is what I heard through the grape vine abd through the grace of teh someone and the politicinas of PM primier of ontario and city of torontonto mayor,
this will be unvailed soon as part of upcoming elections and updates on progress in changing teh world asnd beyond.
the primier has eliminated property tax using a political device permenately for every ontarion, check it out , thank you Premier Dalton McGuinty. started last year in october to save canadians from going belley up during teh economic crisis.
the city mayer David Miller discovering how much everyone has over paid for water and teh meters that nmisread them, has fully pardoned everyone permanately of water bills
this is part of changing the world.
the PM in unicen with these people is working to help establish the rule of law set forth later this year reinforcing teh new system coming into being.
this will spread and as wanton province in china proves mixed with good capitalism this type of system makes lots of money with asmall sales tax paying for everything in excess as corruption is policed fully as it is being done.
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this is what I heard through the grape vine abd through the grace of teh someone and the politicinas of PM primier of ontario and city of torontonto mayor,
this will be unvailed soon as part of upcoming elections and updates on progress in changing teh world asnd beyond.
the primier has eliminated property tax using a political device permenately for every ontarion, check it out , thank you Premier Dalton McGuinty. started last year in october to save canadians from going belley up during teh economic crisis.
the city mayer David Miller discovering how much everyone has over paid for water and teh meters that nmisread them, has fully pardoned everyone permanately of water bills
this is part of changing the world.
the PM in unicen with these people is working to help establish the rule of law set forth later this year reinforcing teh new system coming into being.
this will spread and as wanton province in china proves mixed with good capitalism this type of system makes lots of money with asmall sales tax paying for everything in excess as corruption is policed fully as it is being done.
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Friday, September 9, 2011
spacewalk and space ports.
we are now finishing off the judgements for the group level 7. That is groups like endow and former kaos called modulus
there are 5 groups left though we keep bouncing to aug 4 to 15 when doing so, sometimes to september
we have also moved to the dunth or the valkeries cities that hang in slightly deeper space revolving around teh earth, the first is dafani which is a one two levekl with at least two levels of port and service tunnels. the second is delta 5 or dawarwri whcich has serveral levels below
it revolves slowly and uses sun ligh to produce day and night
it has two servive levels below.
finaly the drawni who built the next city scape space port city has 8 levels and three service port levels and only uses sunlight in a restricted way
the last two spots on the space walk is open territory that one can walk on as if the city scape is real and a habitate, it is bridged by higher powers and teck, the valkieries are the space ghosts astronaughts reports to see ouitside the city
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there are 5 groups left though we keep bouncing to aug 4 to 15 when doing so, sometimes to september
we have also moved to the dunth or the valkeries cities that hang in slightly deeper space revolving around teh earth, the first is dafani which is a one two levekl with at least two levels of port and service tunnels. the second is delta 5 or dawarwri whcich has serveral levels below
it revolves slowly and uses sun ligh to produce day and night
it has two servive levels below.
finaly the drawni who built the next city scape space port city has 8 levels and three service port levels and only uses sunlight in a restricted way
the last two spots on the space walk is open territory that one can walk on as if the city scape is real and a habitate, it is bridged by higher powers and teck, the valkieries are the space ghosts astronaughts reports to see ouitside the city
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Saturday, September 3, 2011
dragi power forms organism and more power cards
today saturday I wille xamnine a few of the dragons and cards used to access power.
there are twelve sets a dragons or etheric other worldly power orginised beings that have powers as dimentions of creation
the dragini or metaloifd dragons create mater from thought and sounds that cause consciouness of matter and being
the drini are power forming regularities
the dragni are craetive prosperous dragon or being enrgy forms,
the crithi crwate power
the drgifi or dragnatom are traflous bindary being. bounding beings.
the frafothi are quantumm regualrity beings
the frathi are resetafi beings set forth time and rgani defrathi
the reflaectm dragini or draftio are three
the dagini reasoned undersatood structure beings
the grafipoti the underground regularity beings
and teh brathi on continia are draconi or derefracte3ddf reflected quantuum beings
more later
the reflecture are understanding in comparison to teh reasons that bound both in reality seting place and manner from oputside in and vice versus, contigent creators of teh dimentions of ouir reality like metal and fields and so on, like water too.
ok so if I wanted to caste a spell I can say spell then clean my table then caste and have teh spells and powrs of this way and unity condyuit of powerr and grace take effect, some just spell out teh power with teh card and them late r with awareness without, both should be used to build with though either is good is you knwo what youa re doing.
the atrals projection card allows you to project opr use like magic any power in that domain through the framework of teh realm or way you spell or use the power, returning ends the astral powers being used though not its effect , like astral; project go to new york, them one uses end to return to ones body that can never be cut off from you and is defended by yiou as an individuated doble, like any reflectiove double.
God on allows yopu to use God as a system them you can message oruse a power them off when you spelled it and used it.
God on, defednd child from running on the road in dangwer then off, caused that to occur, though teh child is safe on its own based on teh god filter shild and goddess armour, it never fails cause its based on teh top level, based on teh rule that god and teh good win.
you can impart to a divine house or teh divien directly
like impart divine say helo to st peter talk then depart adffter messaging
recall God on you can bless and wrath of god during it, then off
it blessing good and rectifies evil that is not good.
sommon christ has teh form you want angel ro demon or what ever spririt appear you can ask for something talk then release hen done, it might do what you want, if ity is good it will if not he will not, recall they are freee to leave
recall god empowered nothing bad,
if you are evil in a bad way ( unlike those who use teh word evil to mean good) you get in troublwe lose your pwowers and get excumunivcatedd from teh power you werre givien, though the powers you built remain for teh good to be used, later you might be retested for recommunicatiobn, butr sometimes that is starting at teh start but you must proveyourself good as you will not be giving powers to be tested as you were teh first time, failure means one remains powerless, one can lose thier rite to tech as it based on rites and privalege as money and pwoers are , they are the same graces and powers. as life is for the evil and the only weay you can die. otherwise stay good and suffer no death but as divine ritual by choice like in a vahala adventure/
till next week.
there are twelve sets a dragons or etheric other worldly power orginised beings that have powers as dimentions of creation
the dragini or metaloifd dragons create mater from thought and sounds that cause consciouness of matter and being
the drini are power forming regularities
the dragni are craetive prosperous dragon or being enrgy forms,
the crithi crwate power
the drgifi or dragnatom are traflous bindary being. bounding beings.
the frafothi are quantumm regualrity beings
the frathi are resetafi beings set forth time and rgani defrathi
the reflaectm dragini or draftio are three
the dagini reasoned undersatood structure beings
the grafipoti the underground regularity beings
and teh brathi on continia are draconi or derefracte3ddf reflected quantuum beings
more later
the reflecture are understanding in comparison to teh reasons that bound both in reality seting place and manner from oputside in and vice versus, contigent creators of teh dimentions of ouir reality like metal and fields and so on, like water too.
ok so if I wanted to caste a spell I can say spell then clean my table then caste and have teh spells and powrs of this way and unity condyuit of powerr and grace take effect, some just spell out teh power with teh card and them late r with awareness without, both should be used to build with though either is good is you knwo what youa re doing.
the atrals projection card allows you to project opr use like magic any power in that domain through the framework of teh realm or way you spell or use the power, returning ends the astral powers being used though not its effect , like astral; project go to new york, them one uses end to return to ones body that can never be cut off from you and is defended by yiou as an individuated doble, like any reflectiove double.
God on allows yopu to use God as a system them you can message oruse a power them off when you spelled it and used it.
God on, defednd child from running on the road in dangwer then off, caused that to occur, though teh child is safe on its own based on teh god filter shild and goddess armour, it never fails cause its based on teh top level, based on teh rule that god and teh good win.
you can impart to a divine house or teh divien directly
like impart divine say helo to st peter talk then depart adffter messaging
recall God on you can bless and wrath of god during it, then off
it blessing good and rectifies evil that is not good.
sommon christ has teh form you want angel ro demon or what ever spririt appear you can ask for something talk then release hen done, it might do what you want, if ity is good it will if not he will not, recall they are freee to leave
recall god empowered nothing bad,
if you are evil in a bad way ( unlike those who use teh word evil to mean good) you get in troublwe lose your pwowers and get excumunivcatedd from teh power you werre givien, though the powers you built remain for teh good to be used, later you might be retested for recommunicatiobn, butr sometimes that is starting at teh start but you must proveyourself good as you will not be giving powers to be tested as you were teh first time, failure means one remains powerless, one can lose thier rite to tech as it based on rites and privalege as money and pwoers are , they are the same graces and powers. as life is for the evil and the only weay you can die. otherwise stay good and suffer no death but as divine ritual by choice like in a vahala adventure/
till next week.
s[pace ports and more on the war
Thre are 12 space ports orbiting the earth and moon. The newest began being built in aug 2011. we will call that zero. one is military as is two and three, lab international. our age produced one and two, some like three existed since 2000 years before christ, 7 was built by the burunt and over 140 000 earth years ago. 11 is the size of half a continet which is about the sized of caneda plus, they have full habitates inclosed cities, mocks of some cities on earth, 8 or vanfeni has seasonal change as does 9-11. well as each has been upgraded laletly and extended.
you can find a tour system to 4 and a shuttle ride up through the lodges, churches and government.
last night in a dinthi or policed military level,. agenti caused a black out by blowing electrical stations across north america , this included e;ectrical transformers, they were militated by thranthi and others like good humans.
we have been bill free since april 2011. the leagues of rogues awho have tried to black male you into paying bills covered by the government.
bad agents and police who took brides, most people on earth do not take bribes, have been trying to steal money and continue the corruption of the failed economic system, that callapsed as did the usa due to its oqwn mismanaged wieght. we tried saving it but as it calasped the fake bill problem and these subhumans desire to remain inferior became apparant. they try to maintain injustice and fail, they are beinmg militated and policed.
ok there are a bunch of active cards or promision card that can be used to make sure people act justly and without mistake.
as mentioned before a dredd card appears or its rite used when one has to defend themselves in dredd, the policing card when the rite to police occurs, tose who act in injust ways fall to a policing plain/ dimention are allowed to decided if they wioll confess, not do anything wrong or get arrested or excuted, there is a excution rite gained legally due to time of war or dredd to ones life or well being.
like 1940 we are confiscating peoples ill gotten gains and anyone trying to steal anyones money or property loses their money and property, you will remeber after you sign it to us that you did and we redistribut it to those who lost thiers and so on, it will become more apparent later after the investigatyions are done many have died being militated due to thier injustice, many have fallen trying to fight justice and goodness on earth and they are losing everything as we gain our freedom and liberty from thier vile unjust ways, we are teh majority and we cannot lose or aggord to lose thus we have won every battle thus far and will continue to justly annahilate these unjust enemies of God, the good , human progress and all. they hate them,se;ves with jeal;ous inferirity, thus they like lemins creep out of their holes to prove themselves unjust and fall. we all know what justice is and we whop are good are beyond death and failure, our world will be prosperous as people truly get thier moneys worth as their money is used for everyone not just these greedy people who want to subgagate humanity to unjust authority and poverty. We will fight till freedom that is gaining us is truly established without anyone left to cause such appalling circumstances as those gained by us and lost by those fight an unjust war without powers to recommit humanity to thier vileness.
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