Friday, July 10, 2009

Religion, theology, end days, divinity, Revelation :: Your post "Hercules, the ritual of the centaurs and Dionysus orgy to found new Greeks, centaurs

Religion, theology, end days, divinity, Revelation :: Your post "Hercules, the ritual of the centaurs and Dionysus orgy to found new Greeks, centaurs blood as a love potion anti persperant

There someone’s father was bestowed the pleasure of having the centaurs blood formula from the first task of Hercules deployed on him. The center in question was a miner and accumulated a powder on his skin from the metal ore. This powder was like Al3 that was once used in anti-persperants. It sticks to ones skin and cannot be removed by water. Since water like sweat cannot wash the metal out of the skin, metal powered was ideal for deodorants and anti persperants. Copper oxide is one such metal that was first used by Aphrodite of Cyprus as high liner and blue eye makeup. Hercules had caused the centaurs to join Greece by offering a Dionysus festival and won them over with this Moses like orgy. In fact it helps start the begging of a new people in Greece that included the peoples represented by those in his tasks. Recall that Hercules gave them Dionysian wine and this portrays that these horse riders were followers of the horned one and druidic/cleric school of the divine island. Recall the divine island is the dark one up high, or megaton as some call him. The dark one up high offers divine island [paradises as he did to the somebody" I wanted to give you an island surrounded by fresh water" Some have interpreted the two or name of God in Dionysus as meaning two islands and is reflected in monastic traditions such as Avalon and Ionia. The hind of Artemis or the goddess as God and her divine providence or offerings is the Celtic Wicca version of the same divine. Thus Hercules made the druidic or male deity earth cult of God(s) Greek by way of a ritual that caused God to appear like he did to Moses on the mountain based on the fertile energies of the ritual, inspiration to conceptions of all kinds. The Center loved Hercules and when Hercules had agape for another women other than his wife and she became fearful of losing her Faithful husband the centaur offered his cup that contained fragrances and the ,metal powers that brought him immortality and was Gathered by God as the earth upon his enlightenment, like many who used the deodorant it had an odd reaction and burnt slightly as it caused a rash, Hercules bitched about it, yet the unity caused him to transcend to physically altering his form to a higher energy and thus being transfigured as Christ did laying dead in the tomb. The someone lived out the centaur a few weeks ago and all the centaur could say was “why Goddess, it was meant only for good, why did Hercules react as he did?" Well body chemistry yet it caused a greater holy event so give a point and mark to the centaur, praised God(s)

Peace till tomorrow.

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