Friday, July 31, 2009

Odysseus and the island of the Sorcery

In the spirit of the manner we have interpreted Hercules in the past we will examine the history of the Greeks as portrayed by two consecutive ages in Homers tales concerning Odysseus and Troy.
In the same fashion as Hercules the Odyssey tells of the rise of the Theban Empire after the Greeks unified and conquered troy, which represents taking dominant control of Asia Minor. The events in the Iliad occur prior to the age the events of the age of the odyssey occur. The age of the odyssey occurs subsequent to the age of the Iliad in sequential consequential order. Troy was the archetypal city that represented the Greeks that had merged with the populations of Asia monor but were created after Hercules, thus the women of Greece were being taken as brides by those of these people who were also of troy. Paris reached transcendence and was given the fruit of life. He brought judgment down on his people scattering them after the final battle for the city. Paris ended up in France as part of this empire had taken the colony in southern France that was of the Mycenaean empire.
The capital of France called Paris was named after Paris of the Iliad.
After the Greeks conquered troy they took much of the colonies of the people of troy during the Theban empires growth that took the duration of Odysseus journey
Thus had liberated the Greeks from the Minoans and now Greece personified through Thebes began merging and making more people Greek.

To illustrate what we will do each day I post I will examine Odysseus journey to Circe the sorceress. Recall please that Odysseus at one point has a katebasis or journeys to Hades thus he is a religious transcendent character.

Circe's island is now known as Kerkira (Cercira or Corfu (in Italian)) I have been to the island and can tell you there is a strong sexy energy there. This energy is part of the spirit of the island. Circe literally translated means sorceress (Sorcir) Thus cercira is the island of Sorcery. The sexy vibe comes from the earth cult practiced on the island and the fertility rituals that created the sexy fertile divine energy. Like the island of Lesbos the religion caused the Greeks led by Odysseus to become animals like pigs, none could resist making fun of or acting uncivilised towards the religion. Odysseus is visited by Hermes as part of a ritual of enlightenment and wizardry. He becomes enlightened and learns to resist the energies of the sorceress, the island and that religion. The ritual is of wisdom thus Hermes represented it. The ritual included the consumption of strychnine as a potion for this enlightenment. The Greeks who were like Odysseus then fell in love with the religion and the island and did not colonise or journey outside there bounds for years after. Much of the fertility ritual is exemplified in the sexual sexy ideas connected to the love affair used to exemplify the Greeks unify with these people and having them become Greek. One power is to see how the character of Odysseus lived an atemporal exists with his wife Penelope as Circe. The atemporal experience is another sign of the divine nature of the powers of the island of sorcery.
The island was matriarchal and most guys went nuts wondering what the female run religion was doing at their secret fertility rituals, that only the imitated through the strychnine ritual were allowed to witness, you had to prove yourself enlightened and cable of controlling yourself to be allowed to enter the ritual, this is similar to the idea that Merlin trained King author to be able to resist the beautiful women on Avalon as told in popular legend and in a text written concerning Merlin’s training of author. The strychnine caused Odysseus to become enlightened and prove his ability to control himself at the rituals. The others who did not reach Odysseus enlightenment told stories and acted like sex starved animals due to the religion of this island. However the inclusion of the first to prove themselves enlightened led to the long love affair , spiritual marriage, between the islands population and the Greeks who found love as part of the ritual of fertility and not just the dirty or pornographic fantasies the un-indoctrinate had concerning this Mother goddess religion that included the male.
I will look at one of the other exploits of Odysseus the Cyclops tomorrow
I will then look at the tales in order but I was thinking about the tales and these interpretations sparked the desire to do a Herculean type analysis of this material, see earlier part of the bog and read it from the beginning if you have not yet- go to oldest achieve entry.

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