Friday, July 24, 2009

Chaodoyio and the post cosmic creation as a walk with God.

It should be noted that Chaodoyio believes that one can transcend and become one with the universe and come to live in heaven or Nirvana while being on earth. Moreover, the idea of the post cosmic creation identifies the walk with God Su Un experienced when he encountered
Hanulnim(God) whom gave him talisman when he was taken by the spirit and entered the western paradise. So the idea of self transcendence and the creation that occurs when one walks with God and the idea that were encoded in that walk would eventually manifest themselves in society , The second sage used the idea as a social state that was coming and the third sage referred to it manifesting in his time. This change is becoming and further manifests everyday, however it also refers to a social consciousness that refers to a manifestation of universal peace as an end of day type doctrine that alludes to the type of consciousness that actuates after the full shift to the new type of human occurs.
Unlike statements concerning becoming solitary and xenophobic of western wisdom, the religions doctrine promotes all ways and people as part of God, the God we serve within and is representative of everyone and everything.
The word Heavenly way Choadoyio also is a derivative of the word Doa and Donghak the original name for this religion means divine way of the east, the work Don has the same etymological root as Doyio which means way as in divine way, Choa Godly or heavenly.

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