Saturday, October 25, 2008

More on the Adam individuation program

More on the Adam individuation program

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-11 - 14:44:17
More on the Adam individuation program
(I will answer the comment to the previous post in this post)
When one is first made one with Adam, which is better translated as individual as it is the individuation program that gives you a separate individual universe, one runs that program as it is unzipping and the code is being crunched through a shell program or interface directly through the Adam server. Sometimes the Adam server is called the spiritual or universal Adam. Sometimes it’s called the universe. For Buddha is said to have opened 4 worlds and like Christ resurrected 1/3 of those on those worlds on the fifth world he created. Here resurrection means to allow people to populate or have a place on your plain. The plain is a universe. It has been called many different things as people have tried to give the experience a name. Adam as the Atomos (individual) is the best name for it for the purpose of this work. Each universe is empowered differently and one has a right to dwell and live on many. Worlds and systems that allow certain abilities to manifest are hard wired into the plains, which are all still linked to the prime plain or this universe. This means you can access those abilities here. Most religions have multiple plains and thus are continuums. Once one becomes an Adam certain abilities manifest, a higher attunement with the seasons. In some cases this might be described as seasonal disorder, but it does not have to be a disorder. I am not sure seasonal disorder is indicative of being an Adam; however sensitivity to the seasons occurs. One also experiences higher psychic abilities.” Who wants popcorn?” “ I do” and while the popcorn is being made an innocent thought such as” I wish there was cheese on the popcorn, but I will not ask, gets one a special bowl of popcorn with cheese though everyone else had plain popcorn. “Why does my popcorn have cheese on it and not yours?” “I do not know it was something that popped in my head, I thought you might like yours that way” “; thank you I do” Ideas make the plain of an Adam dwelled in and populated by others. An eve is an Adam for all argument sake. Once one had a mind trip on Hoffman’s accelerant and thought “ the potential of the universe is in chaos, everything is one thing at the same time and the structures of the universe put it all in order include humans and the forms and ideas they think, these forms and ideas give structure to the universe and share in the creative power of God” Such a thought transmitted to others makes them think about it, form, ideas and thus dwell in ones world, creating their own if the idea flowers into something different in their minds. This makes one a candidate for being an Adam. If one forms that many ideas that others create ideas from and these ideas stand on their own , even within a matrix of other ideas and people use then both on their own and with other ideas, they gain a spirit and gain a individual system of their own. Yes one even gets to live on such plains, both spiritually and physically, esp. after leaving the life network server, or this existence, in or out of their own body. There are many Adam and Eves and the experience goes unnoticed by many. Many people black out when it occurs. Some see stars when the black out. In Kabbalah the universal Adam is said to have warped and shattered scattering their sparks or fragments everywhere. This is an attempt to explain the vision of sparks or globes one sees if one does not collapse

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