Saturday, October 11, 2008

In conclusion and a final thought on impression.

In conclusion and a final thought on impression.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-04 - 14:46:09
In conclusion and a final thought on impression.
Each person has their own distinct feeling based on their own impression of themselves. More over each person’s impression includes feelings and ideas that identify things about that person. For instance, the country one is in is part of the feeling of that persona, someone visiting china would cause a feeling based on their identification of that location and this includes other people’s impression of same.A trick to help teach people how to begin sensing the differences that lead to reading the impressions is: sit in a room, you can blind fold yourself or sit facing away from the door, have a few people you know walk in combination or separately and try to sense the difference you feel with each occurrence, see if you can identify who is in the room. Take a second to observe how a place you enter makes you feel, like a store depending, on who is in it. There are several ways to fine tune ones abilities and suffer good effects without any adverse repercussions, these adverse effects are usually the effect of not having control or a sense for impressions and thus being effected without knowing it.One can add to the pleasure and good feeling of others by projecting positive vibes appropriate to the situation, this gets strong as the impressions we have others create of us get stronger and more positive. We can even convert each negative idea into positive ones within our selves based on the framework of impressions, and ideas we fashion as our active ego.It is an empowerment and liberty from being blindly influenced by vibes and impressions based on thinking only things we think as a secluded ego that interacts and is influenced in the world through only the five basic senses. Thus we learn to harmonies, and gain an active and passive control over all things that affect us, though the world continues to act beyond us.

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