Friday, October 10, 2008

Last thing on impressions and utilising them for empowerment and enlightenment.

Last thing on impressions and utilising them for empowerment and enlightenment.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-03 - 18:44:33
I will finish off the section on impressions and conclude this weekend, I am excited about the third book idea, and the structure might enhance the flow. I will look at ideas and write a story that illustrates certain events mentioned inn the previous book to hopefully help you bring them to life.
One can see that impressions are important, but knowing yourself is also important. The meditations used to go beyond ego teach one to control and focus the impressions of others as well as ignore them. Rather than going into the automatic reaction learned as response to stimulus , one can learn to react with volition, while still able to use that automatic reaction as reflex when it comes to important things like jumping out of the way of busses , turning your computer on, helping someone get up when fallen or offering ones seat to someone who looks like they can use it more than you. People fast to help them learn to control their bodies, amongst other things Now imagine if you could convince people you could move the sun with your mind , their impressions would help you create a field that might actually move that sun” if you are good you will say move mountain and it will” ( see bible) with or without physical assistance “ for Mohamed did not go to the mountain, his people brought the mountain to him” Better yet imagine convincing people you are psychic. Everyone is psychic and that includes things like empathy. Imagine as years pass that impression and focus grows. One leans to read and increase the power till one can sense the exact time and way ones Prof read ones essay on a beach in Australia. One sees the weird things that animals like pets react to, one reaches theosis( divinity) Many other ways to reach the same ultimate end, yet each way teaches one different ways to access and use the all or God in various forms and structures of access including the self. The more connects to properly by using the spirit of the universal understanding rather than misconceptions that endemically cause conflict, the more altruistic the endeavour becomes and the self is empowered in the greatness one becomes one with : a greater body that please the other as much as the self as self itself.

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