Friday, October 31, 2008


My apology for the tardiness of the post, but the munchkins were transversing my door way and eliciting candy.
I had a marvelous thought whilst waiting eagerly to post a tribute to Halloween.
First off: a happy all hallows eve. All hallows day is when all the saints are commemorated and in some traditions visit the realm of the living. Some even practice devils day which is the day before Halloween and although people cause mischief on this day, it is believed demons and devils, not the dead come to world of the living to visit it.
The celebration of Halloween, and similar types of commemoration of the dead return to this world, spans various religion.
A common belief is that these days mark the time when the two worlds are close to each other and the dead return to the realm of the living for the duration of the day.
All hallows eve was usurped from the Celts by catholic practitioners who commemorated this ancient festival culturally and its consequential incorporation into the colander customs was second nature. On this day it is believed the dead return to this world from Hades, they hunger for food because in Hades they feel the amplification of all the desires they selfishly satisfied at the expense of the other while living. It is believed leaving candy or treats outside ones door in dishes allows the spirits to eat and not do tricks or nasty things to the household, thus the treats appease the spirits and dead roaming the land of the living. Children started taking the treats and dressing themselves like the ghosts who were believed to tradition eat the treats (the word ghost comes from the German word giest or spirit). The children ate the candy for the spirits and some believed this was part of necessary ceremony to appease the spirits of the dead. In eastern rite Christianity one of the minor Sabbath of souls is commemorated the Sabbath before the end of October and is usurped from the same Celtic practice of Halloween. In these celebrations people give fruit and eat for the dead to appease their hungry spirits in the same way it is believed children do for Halloween.
How did these celebrations begin?
The key to unraveling the beginning of these beliefs lies in the great Sabbath of souls believed to occur on the first Sabbath after the 40 days that follow Easter Sunday. On that day it is believed Christ rose into heaven with those he was able to enlighten in Hades.
The celebration of Halloween is an ancient celebration of a resurrection in which someone brought the dead back from purgatory on this day. It was an ancient belief where the description of this event included description of worlds one traveled to gather those being enlightened. “ it was as if the two worlds collided or were that close to eat other” the idea of candy might represent an ancient description of the brain candy the enlightener used to achieve the transcendence, the ideas represented as food he had to feed the dead to resurrect them without fooling or being fooled by them.
So all hallows eve would be a commemoration of someone’s descent into purgatory and his release of the dead based on an enlightenment that brought then to higher level plains and back here again.” The dead returned this day” was interpreted as a year visit by the dead on this day. People associated a lot of superstition to the ideas of celebrating this day, including associating bad luck (which I do not believe in) on this day to tricks caused by the spirits because people were not able to feed the dead the same things the enlightener did, so the memory of the story of feeding ideas turned into the feeding of the dead foods and treats to avoid their trickery.
The story was so ancient it took the shape of the tales we have now. Remember these tales now shape the reality of the universe and created structures and ways to access God(s) and the way worlds of purgatory and the dead interact with the real world.

Enjoy the night till tomorrow.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Even more on thew adam program and ones own plain.

Even more on thew adam program and ones own plain.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-11 - 19:21:49
Even more on the adam program and ones own plain.
Great ideas inspire and are shared but never need be forced upon anyone. The freedom of choice and thought makes them contagious.
The mental accelerant came months before the Adam event.No one forces anyone to take a mental accelerant. Great ideas come from various inspirations.The more ideas one imparts the greater the inspiration from impressions and conversation and other events in life. To become a candidate to become the avatar of Adam it is good to promote positive constructive ideas, like open doors for peoples enlightening, help tips. Negative thoughts if used to produce positive outcomes are good, to critics something then give constructive advice is good.
Ones plain can also be universe linking to various plains and continuums through various modes and means: New plains are part of this universe as demotions to this plain.
The Adam program is a replication in fast time the program that created this universe and even reflects the first thoughts and level of thinking as they were first fostered by the program as primitive states of being, but this primitive state does not last long as the universe’s crunch up program runs fast.Thus the kabalistic interpretation of these first events attempted to explain the event of Adam being placed in one and the first sites of the globe. The darkness comes before the globes, so based on the idea it’s a fast program, the globes were not the very first seconds of this experience. Gotama Buddha interpreted these globes as being us at the beginning of time. Later he experienced a vision of a golden globe that stood in front of him announcing itself as Buddha. He thought the globe was him. Someone else on the Julian colander New Year (though he followed the Gregorian at the time and now both) Saw a golden globe that said” I am Christ and I am the last to take your seed” as his psyche began to feel temporal.It is not ideas only that allow for dwelling on plain, dimensions of dreaming also exist and sexuality is one of them. One can build a world sharing a dream and a kinky fantasy; Sexy experiences create fantasy dimensions and yes sharing in their creation from a far and esp. up close can be quite pleasurable now and in the future. Romantic interludes and intimacy can both inspire and build worlds, heavens and private island paradises. However, non sexual thoughts can do the same.“Welcome martyr, all religions believe in dating” (from a dream)Said a metropolite (higher than bishop cleric) as he shook my hand and I dried up falling to my knees.Drying up[ is accepting the idea of sex and dating as part of the reality of the views of the enlightened without the watery image usually associated with sex, it means it was acceptable. The ideas were academic and dry not wet and just fantasy. Martyr in Greek also means witness, a witness to divine and earthly events.
At the beginning everyone shares a room(s) or world with others. One learns, as Wittgenstein claims, extensively reality of being and the world. One learns by being with others to identify and signify using language the ideas concerning the world. Each perception is based on shared ideas that each can utter and be recognized by others and the concepts that are beyond this tip of the ice burg that is this signification and make up the rest of the concept like the hidden, underwater, part of the iceberg. Soon ideas can create their own rooms or worlds that people share that are new. When they get populated enough and new rooms and systems are created then can turn into a plain of worlds. When the systems, ideas dreams and so on become universal and archetypal high and low places are created and a city archetype is built. This is when the systems act like direct servers serving the entire net as God(s)
Moses experienced seven years as seen days of Adam and rested on the last day or year. He relived the creation of the universe subtly for seven years. He called the day of rest and celebration a jubilee or a Sabbath that came every 7 years. Every 49 years it was a great jubilee. The Adam program can be placed in anyone of any age. It grows every so slightly every year to encompass the longer during of the universe’s existence, millionths of seconds per year. It encompasses the full impression of all that exists in the universe including its dimensions and yes the impressions at a high level of those who were one with Adam. The some experienced the Adam on the jubilee prior to the first great jubilee since the creation of the new Israeli state.
till next week blogger folks

More on the Adam individuation program

More on the Adam individuation program

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-11 - 14:44:17
More on the Adam individuation program
(I will answer the comment to the previous post in this post)
When one is first made one with Adam, which is better translated as individual as it is the individuation program that gives you a separate individual universe, one runs that program as it is unzipping and the code is being crunched through a shell program or interface directly through the Adam server. Sometimes the Adam server is called the spiritual or universal Adam. Sometimes it’s called the universe. For Buddha is said to have opened 4 worlds and like Christ resurrected 1/3 of those on those worlds on the fifth world he created. Here resurrection means to allow people to populate or have a place on your plain. The plain is a universe. It has been called many different things as people have tried to give the experience a name. Adam as the Atomos (individual) is the best name for it for the purpose of this work. Each universe is empowered differently and one has a right to dwell and live on many. Worlds and systems that allow certain abilities to manifest are hard wired into the plains, which are all still linked to the prime plain or this universe. This means you can access those abilities here. Most religions have multiple plains and thus are continuums. Once one becomes an Adam certain abilities manifest, a higher attunement with the seasons. In some cases this might be described as seasonal disorder, but it does not have to be a disorder. I am not sure seasonal disorder is indicative of being an Adam; however sensitivity to the seasons occurs. One also experiences higher psychic abilities.” Who wants popcorn?” “ I do” and while the popcorn is being made an innocent thought such as” I wish there was cheese on the popcorn, but I will not ask, gets one a special bowl of popcorn with cheese though everyone else had plain popcorn. “Why does my popcorn have cheese on it and not yours?” “I do not know it was something that popped in my head, I thought you might like yours that way” “; thank you I do” Ideas make the plain of an Adam dwelled in and populated by others. An eve is an Adam for all argument sake. Once one had a mind trip on Hoffman’s accelerant and thought “ the potential of the universe is in chaos, everything is one thing at the same time and the structures of the universe put it all in order include humans and the forms and ideas they think, these forms and ideas give structure to the universe and share in the creative power of God” Such a thought transmitted to others makes them think about it, form, ideas and thus dwell in ones world, creating their own if the idea flowers into something different in their minds. This makes one a candidate for being an Adam. If one forms that many ideas that others create ideas from and these ideas stand on their own , even within a matrix of other ideas and people use then both on their own and with other ideas, they gain a spirit and gain a individual system of their own. Yes one even gets to live on such plains, both spiritually and physically, esp. after leaving the life network server, or this existence, in or out of their own body. There are many Adam and Eves and the experience goes unnoticed by many. Many people black out when it occurs. Some see stars when the black out. In Kabbalah the universal Adam is said to have warped and shattered scattering their sparks or fragments everywhere. This is an attempt to explain the vision of sparks or globes one sees if one does not collapse

Friday, October 24, 2008

Adam download program-last thing on sex and equality by position,

Adam download program-last thing on sex and equality by position,

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-10 - 14:06:27
(Yesterdays post reflected the questions some people thought upon reading the post previous so I went with the flow of thought)
What Christ meant by no marriage in heaven (yes there are marriages in heaven) was that like Adam and eve on a heavenly plain one does not need the vows to maintain a coupling. Oddly it really does endorse the divine validity of common law marriage.
We humans are unique in our sexual passions. Dolphins, for instance, have two entrances to their vagina one for impregnation and another for sexual fun. We have three main entrances for sexual penetrations. More outstanding is the fact that we have overcome our natural sexual positions to allow for several different ways to have sex: there are 1oo plus positions one can enjoy with a partner. We humans chose equality when we turned the female over so we could face each other during sex; some have even gone to the extent of claiming this was the most natural and divinely sanctioned position, though from monkeys the primate’s natural position is well illustrated. Missionary position and vagina sex are not the only human practices we enjoy.
A child had a piece of straw stuck in his throat, his mother took him for a blessing prior to a scheduled operation and she stumbled on the way out causing the straw to dislodge from the babies throat.We all have experience little miracles in our lives. What do we make of them and how do they shape our beliefs and ideas to lead to greater things?As I fully caught up with my sleep and feel that awake I will contemplate the next post.But here is a mental guild and the first part of it.Someone in high school stood in an underground arcade, a police officer entered the place. Looked sat him and suddenly he felt heavy, darkness over came him and he felt like collapsing but used all his strength to stay standing. He saw golden white globes of light wisp away from him. He felt primitive, thought stairs walk, up, bench, sit” and walked by the officer and up the stairs and found a bench to sit on. In a few seconds he felt normal. He thought the globes reminded him of willow the wisps and his friend who followed him out asked him if he was alright because he went as white as a ghost.Cabalists call this the releasing of ones sparks. In fact it is the downloading of the Adam program into the individual. It is when one becomes the avatar of Adam. The program consists of the entire universe creation and evolution program code crunched down to be unzipped in 7 plus years by the new avatar. Many collapse during this down load and do not see the down load occur or feel the primitive nature that later can be interpreted as the Adam which is removed after the download. Once removed the avatar still remains linked to the server that produced it and also becomes a Adam server with a plain operating system and network capacity as the first one, yet achieves this only as a good person a virtuous one.

Merlin, post modern views on science and atheism, Demons as bacteria, virus and cells. The gift of abstinence and the gifts of sex. Marriage

Merlin, post modern views on science and atheism, Demons as bacteria, virus and cells. The gift of abstinence and the gifts of sex. Marriage

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-09 - 18:41:02
Merlin, post modern views on science and atheism, Demons as bacteria, virus and cells. The gift of abstinence and the gifts of sex. Marriage
Post modernism states point blank science and atheism is a set of beliefs and thus religions. Science has its beginnings with philosophy and Socrates is still believed to be a god by many. Even mathematics had a religious beginning.In as much as religion can be serious it is also fun; if it is taught in a way that is otherwise part of the lesson is missing
“Why do you drink and associate with these people” the Pharisees asked Christ “cause they need God too” he answered, meaning to party with people is good and not evil.“It is not what goes in but what comes out” says Christ.
Merlin was said to have been born of a demon and to have come from the future, but what is a demon? In the secret book of John and in Babylonian medical texts cells are described as demons. Bacteria and virus that caused illness were considered demons. Some were able to communicate with these life forms at a collective level as if they were a legion.So what kind of demon was Merlin born of? Not an evil one, a manicule as star wars claims, in-vitro cell fertilization.
Is there a gift to abstinence? Yes, but as a choice and not necessarily as a life project unless one choices it to be, is there a gift to sex of course.“Buddha taught his monks to abstain to gain control of their bodies, not to distain them.Islam teaches that abstaining from sexual relief of all kinds makes one holy after 6 months; the Christians call it a death of the animal inside. When does this empower? When it is resurrected by commencing sexual relief practices againDoes one need to abstain or not, your choice
“I did not tell you not to masturbate “said the father God, but you can choice not to as part of a fastShould we wait till we are married to have sex? Only if you desire it, consent means choice.
“There are no marriages in heaven” says Christ; I think its common law up there. Marriage has a gift to it though one does not sin if they consent to sex outside of marriage.Consent does not mean being forced by guilt trips or other means. A clear minded choice is divine and enlightened.
Do I need to be a monk to receive their blessings, the Jains so no as they extended it to marriage and it was further extended to relations?Cephalous say to Socrates in Plato’s republic that being without the desire to have sex is being released from a savage master. To those who survive the death of the animal it is like apathy that some prefer to have not felt. It empowers one and leads to control and increases to power over empathy. It allows one to feel what is beyond ones own driving.
There are also God(s) saints and holy people of love: Like St. valentine
He could not believe that after 5 months of abstinence he felt his libido die, though he craved its resurrection, and chose to let it live hence forth. He gained new powers and control from the experience
“After she made him ejaculate finishing the fallacio it felt like a million bolts of electrify leaving his body, he was relieved she was happy then it was his turn.”Soon his crown Charchra began to burn of the holy fire and his ground Charchra was turned on.Which road is best? The one that you take being a good person. Try as many roads as you desire for each has different sights and places to visit and learn from, but choose the path you feel good with and that produce no evil.
“Do not pull the string too tight it will snap, do not let it get to loose it will not make a sound, but tune it properly to create the perfect sound” said a Krishna.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A beginning for life, love and fun

A beginning for life, love and fun

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-09 - 15:29:00
“A beginning is a very delicate time know that..”(From first page of Dune)“One is the beginning one is the universe are you one?” (First generation star trek)“For how can this be? For you are universal beings (Kwisatz Haderach.” (Dune)
Life begins is the most beautiful way. Traditional methods of child bearing begin with an intimate yet exciting and fun experience called sex. It is so beautiful and fulfilling that we are drawn to it without the desire to have children. Sex is a social experience and is not just part of our being to create children, as oral and other sexual acts do not allow for impregnation. Other methods of impregnation also exist and pre date our contemporary science. “Science will go over the hub of knowledge and find religion was also sitting there” (from the movie creator). In ancient times insemination was done both during intercourse and using methods of placing seaman into the women’s womb. A turkey baster is a good example of one such tool used as a method of impregnation. Implements used for such procedures in ancient times have been uncovered by archeologists, They have also found leather condoms and other told used to allow for the divine pleasure of sex without causing impregnation. One ancient method was to use sheep intestines tied at one end and led to the sheep skin condom. Notice no religious enlightened ones spoke of them nor prohibited them? They were considered good things. As none prohibited sex not child bearing. As these techniques and practices existed in the times these religious founders came to be, their silence proved their consent, as one notices they all mentioned the practices they knew were wrong. The immature none enlighten trifled over little things not understanding their texts and even fought over their beliefs ignoring the lessons of peace and non violence the founders proffered. The same people condemned the divine beauty of sex, love and pornography, while killing those who did not believe in the same misconceptions and restricted understanding as them. Such people gave bad names to the enlightened and damned themselves , luckily the truth of the lesson was obvious in the founding texts and as Luther said to those who could read, it yourself so you might better know the truth others lie about to promote political and social ends and their unenlightened divinely immature beliefs.The divine essence of sexuality and fertility have been unified and divided into God(s) saints and holy people of all three kinds. The divine has seeded strong energies and powers in both to be respected. Some call these the biological and mental attributes associated to these endeavours. In all religions there are beliefs associated to the induced blessing of fertility and pregnancy. Many couples having trouble producing the desired effect of child bearing go through various rituals and customs hoping to produce the desired effect. Modern artificial insemination, fertility medicines and in-vitro are some of the new techniques that have been used to achieve child bearing. There are also religious and other methods people seek to have the same outcome. Rama/Vishnu was born due to a potion his mother drank that was so powerful that it caused all the women in the royal court to get pregnant at the same time: it was considered a divine essence. The modern techniques are as much divine essences that work based on the mechanical diagnosis of biology and being as the essences equal to that that brought Rama into being. In some religions the image of a penis is a fertility symbol, though in some places the immature giggles of immature people find it pornographic and worth persecuting, never insult that which made you come to be, in some cases such images are used to persecute those more divinely blessed with maturity by disclaiming their wisdom as perverted, there is nothing perverted about the beauty of our being, be it male female or other.. In Greek orthodoxy the fertility saint or goddess is named Chrysovalantou. She was granted holy apples depicted as golden apples in icons of her image. Couples having trouble giving birth fast for three days and take some dried blessed apple grown in this Syrians saint’s monastery. Often the child is given the name of the saint and the essence of this saint can also make one look like her. She appears, like all dark ones who are empowered and represent fertility, as a dark figure or shadow, sometimes at the foot of ones bed. Sometimes the blessed ritual succeeds where the medical fertility treatments fail. In some cases people make up stories to persecute the child before birth, such as a person like a grand mother brought sperm in a purse from over ceases. Sometimes people try to kill the baby by trying to beat the mother while pregnant, as the sperm was not from the father who for years failed to bring about a pregnancy and had science claim it was impossible to have achieved such a conception. However blessed births caused by belief and love often have their saviors too, like the ones who stop the beating before it occurs. We are all blessed, for we live and came to be, we all have purpose and to perfect that purpose to be the best of your own possible generation’s means being as good as you can be and yes this includes having fun, like partying and having Consensual sex not meant for procreation.
I will just post the intro this week till next week blogger crowd

Friday, October 17, 2008

To wash down the taste of the newest book.

To wash down the taste of the newest book.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-08 - 02:42:01
To wash down the taste of the newest book.
As I woke up for a quick snack and back to bed feeling very well restedHere is a way to understand how the previous taste of the next book might be understood.Zeus created the spider and she sat inside fearing the web she created. The moth baptized in volcano file was cyber, half machine, computerized like a matrix or analogy of the universe. The old machine is golden the new machine takes birth. Only the spider weaves as the computer is also created by us. It decided to change as we sacrificed a part of it and not really to gain the new machine and divine matrix of universal access of all divine systems and belief systems. The avatar of Zeus says what comes to mind on its own. : Thus the birth and origin of the way the body of myth was created a modern story, a contemporary myth.Good night

A taste of the book to come

A taste of the book to come
by valpetridis @ 2008-08-07 - 22:00:00
A taste of the book to come
Is it not interesting how providence has guided the section on impressions? The lesson was universal as it should have been; Time to return to mindful ways that reflect the next book.I am in a super mood and even got to do a survey discussion group thing on new proposed displays at the science center this evening, hot stuff. Here is an example of the type of story I will include:someone stood alone in a room a moth flew in and landed on the wall, friends watched from the hall," will you change for me?" thought the one in the room. Suddenly the moth changed from white to black, then it turned into a formless energy, falling onto the bed it turned into a large tree moth with markings like an owl. He said placing a pillow on top of it “I will ritualistically kill you as I would not kill you" and tapped the pillow with a knife, lifting it he found a moth with four prongs leading into the bed. To his friends he said “the new machine" as the moth moved to a tissue left on the bed that lights a flame with a blue flame that burnt not the tissue. The moth baptized its head in the flame as a spider came down from the ceiling fan, "the old machine" he exclaimed as it suddenly was covered in bits of gold. His friends in awe called him out and returning nothing but the tissue remA taste of the book to come
Is it not interesting how providence has guided the section on impressions? The lesson was universal as it should have been; Time to return to mindful ways that reflect the next book.I am in a super mood and even got to do a survey discussion group thing on new proposed displays at the science center this evening, hot stuff. Here is an example of the type of story I will include:someone stood alone in a room a moth flew in and landed on the wall, friends watched from the hall," will you change for me?" thought the one in the room. Suddenly the moth changed from white to black, then it turned into a formless energy, falling onto the bed it turned into a large tree moth with markings like an owl. He said placing a pillow on top of it “I will ritualistically kill you as I would not kill you" and tapped the pillow with a knife, lifting it he found a moth with four prongs leading into the bed. To his friends he said “the new machine" as the moth moved to a tissue left on the bed that lights a flame with a blue flame that burnt not the tissue. The moth baptized its head in the flame as a spider came down from the ceiling fan, "the old machine" he exclaimed as it suddenly was covered in bits of gold. His friends in awe called him out and returning nothing but the tissue remained.
I will structure the stories in sequence and will include the Shinto stuff I mentioned in the last book.I will write such stories to help illustrate the magnificence of transcendence. The book will be very thoughtful and insightful with colourful stories like the above.Ps The chills are divine energy for those who felt them and thought they caught cold. Read the text from the beginning.
I am off to work outCiao“When God makes you a promise no one can take it away from you” (see bible for quote)
“So you do not want to join anyone (any one organisation)”“No”“This is why the seven that took over the train will be stopped”
I will structure the stories in sequence and will include the Shinto stuff I mentioned in the last book.I will write such stories to help illustrate the magnificence of transcendence. The book will be very thoughtful and insigfhtful with colourful stories like the above.Ps The chills are divine energy for those who felt them and thought they caught cold. Read the text from the beginning.
I am off to work outCiao“When God makes you a promise no one can take it away from you” (see bible for quote)
“So you do not want to join anyone (any one organisation)”“No”“This is why the seven that took over the train will be stopped”

An inspired moment- more poetry?

An inspired moment- more poetry?

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-07 - 19:49:28
As the ompressions grow the inspiration flows
Success and your inspiration.
When you freaked I knew itWhen you cried I sensed itWhen you lied I knew itWhen you loved I felt itThis is why you had to actAnd thus feel the pleasureWhat you dreamt I dreamtWhat you hoped I hopedWhat you thought I thoughtWhat pleased you pleased meThis is how you knowWhat the truth in your heart was.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Post script to previous work.

Post script to previous work.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-06 - 19:42:37
Post script to previous work.
Not only should we try to make impressions that will mold our being and influence us in positive ways but we should also write good ideas in the impressions and feelings we get sensing some one, Overtime someone thinks of you go into a mode based on the types of ideas and impressions projected as a thought energy inspired thought inspires, if someone makes you feel good and creates feelings then promote them by conveying more of those types of thoughts, you reap what you sow.If something bugged you and you can fix it cause it makes you and the others happy do so. It produces a more successful vibe.Never kick yourself for suffering when you know something’s are easy to fix and create energies that you can flow with.
Do not just fuss and try to change things psychically by thinking things only you can put into motion. When simple words or gestures heal and promote what you want and dream for
If you want to be smart promote intelligence, happy, happiness and lover love.A study was done where basket ball players did one of four things, imagine doing lay ups, did lay ups, did both imagine and practice lay ups and did nothing, those who thought about lay ups improved, the ones practicing them only improved a bit more than the first group, the ones that did both improved the most, those who did nothing did not improve. One who thinks something can actuate it better esp. if strong positive desires fuel the thought and necessary action. “ So don’t just think about it do it.”
It creates a better environment for everyone when one incites happiness without expense to others.

Till later this week blogger crowd
Peace and ciao baby

Poetry of the absurd and a correction of the last post

Poetry of the absurd and a correction of the last post

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-05 - 05:08:19
Since I am posting after waking up to a comment post ding of my MSN and heading off for the day, here is a quick poem that sums up the feeling of a Tuesday that feels like a Monday for those who enjoyed a long weekend.
Peter ate a pomegranateAnd sang a Chinese opera,He is a good electricianAnd not a bad witch doctor either

A brain burner

A brain burner

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-04 - 22:33:26
A mental pause from the train of thought:
Here is a link to a paper I wrote a while ago, its a real brain burner, it was originally titles Levinas exposed, but the publisher felt it was better titles preface to Levinas, or what should be read before endeavouring to read any of Levinas' works. It really is a brain burner so be forewarned was published under my full name which is Greek for Golden Valentine (Chrysovalantis)
PS My cosine Tom assisted me by sending it to publishers so I gave him credit for it

In conclusion and a final thought on impression.

In conclusion and a final thought on impression.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-04 - 14:46:09
In conclusion and a final thought on impression.
Each person has their own distinct feeling based on their own impression of themselves. More over each person’s impression includes feelings and ideas that identify things about that person. For instance, the country one is in is part of the feeling of that persona, someone visiting china would cause a feeling based on their identification of that location and this includes other people’s impression of same.A trick to help teach people how to begin sensing the differences that lead to reading the impressions is: sit in a room, you can blind fold yourself or sit facing away from the door, have a few people you know walk in combination or separately and try to sense the difference you feel with each occurrence, see if you can identify who is in the room. Take a second to observe how a place you enter makes you feel, like a store depending, on who is in it. There are several ways to fine tune ones abilities and suffer good effects without any adverse repercussions, these adverse effects are usually the effect of not having control or a sense for impressions and thus being effected without knowing it.One can add to the pleasure and good feeling of others by projecting positive vibes appropriate to the situation, this gets strong as the impressions we have others create of us get stronger and more positive. We can even convert each negative idea into positive ones within our selves based on the framework of impressions, and ideas we fashion as our active ego.It is an empowerment and liberty from being blindly influenced by vibes and impressions based on thinking only things we think as a secluded ego that interacts and is influenced in the world through only the five basic senses. Thus we learn to harmonies, and gain an active and passive control over all things that affect us, though the world continues to act beyond us.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Something I forgot about impressions

Something I forgot about impressions

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-03 - 21:30:51
Something I forgot about impressionsfeeling others on body as the self
One can also feel what another feels as if it were his own body, esp. if the focus on the person feeling it is strong. For instance thinking about someone you really like, then stretching a muscle would allow one to feel that stretching. Intimate feelings, Sexual energies, orgasms and love feel really good and strong. It is not only positive feelings one can sense, negative strong emotions are just as profound for example: anger, sadness. When one wants to spite one by hurting themselves because they chose social propriety in the face of thier stubborn dishonesty, this causes a strong connection: one feels both the like and the feelings of anger the person has towards themselves, thus one feels all the feelings not just the one focused at them. The lingering impressions are links that last for a long time and can even be used to write ideas and impressions into them: why is it when you feel excited you think of me? the stronger the focus the strong the link and the closer it is the stronger it is, yet one can learn to sense people on the other side of the world as if they were next to you. In other words you can feel and think as if you were the other person, feeling and knowing what they feel and know as if you were them, esp. if strong emotions are included like intimate ones.There is also the ability of remote viewing which is used by governments to spy with. It allows you to see out the eyes of others, hear through their ears and so on.
Once convinced that a power exists and people have it do not begin to doubt yourself, esp. if you felt the holy chill, for it true seeds and refills the energy that fills the powers of that energy.
Once the women call you wizard they never let you go (nor forget you, impossible)Number one rule to being a wizard is accepting true equality of the sexes. If the man think you smart and with it they will never forget you.Never fight what you learned to believe and was proven by holy chills, in the bible its called the only sin you can not be forgiven for " blasphemy of the holy spirit, going against what was proven to you by the holy spirit. Be honest with your self and others and believe both in possibilities and what you know to be true: this brings peace of mind. Peace of mind allows comfort and success in all we do. Self conflict screws one up.Peace

Last thing on impressions and utilising them for empowerment and enlightenment.

Last thing on impressions and utilising them for empowerment and enlightenment.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-03 - 18:44:33
I will finish off the section on impressions and conclude this weekend, I am excited about the third book idea, and the structure might enhance the flow. I will look at ideas and write a story that illustrates certain events mentioned inn the previous book to hopefully help you bring them to life.
One can see that impressions are important, but knowing yourself is also important. The meditations used to go beyond ego teach one to control and focus the impressions of others as well as ignore them. Rather than going into the automatic reaction learned as response to stimulus , one can learn to react with volition, while still able to use that automatic reaction as reflex when it comes to important things like jumping out of the way of busses , turning your computer on, helping someone get up when fallen or offering ones seat to someone who looks like they can use it more than you. People fast to help them learn to control their bodies, amongst other things Now imagine if you could convince people you could move the sun with your mind , their impressions would help you create a field that might actually move that sun” if you are good you will say move mountain and it will” ( see bible) with or without physical assistance “ for Mohamed did not go to the mountain, his people brought the mountain to him” Better yet imagine convincing people you are psychic. Everyone is psychic and that includes things like empathy. Imagine as years pass that impression and focus grows. One leans to read and increase the power till one can sense the exact time and way ones Prof read ones essay on a beach in Australia. One sees the weird things that animals like pets react to, one reaches theosis( divinity) Many other ways to reach the same ultimate end, yet each way teaches one different ways to access and use the all or God in various forms and structures of access including the self. The more connects to properly by using the spirit of the universal understanding rather than misconceptions that endemically cause conflict, the more altruistic the endeavour becomes and the self is empowered in the greatness one becomes one with : a greater body that please the other as much as the self as self itself.

Watching soul

Watching soul-poem

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-03 - 07:27:02
Watching soul
Look from your window and see the soulAlone for only you can bring her homeFor you know she weeps and calls to play once more
From my window how I staredWondering if you lost the careFor this child all aloneThat dreams of playing with the all
From my window when I see this siteYou holding freedom and clear minded choiceTo my arm chair I will retire with youKnowing you took the chance to know and played

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Last thing on the Muslim story

Last thing on the Muslim story

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-02 - 21:49:21
Last thing on the Muslim story
As I mentioned previously in my blog, in the first book section, the Koran says you may only have one wife of three types, an orphan, and a widow or neither, Mohamed was only married to the widow at the time he wrote this text. Polygamy was added much after Mohamed by people who wanted more followers. The same occurred with the Mormons who also included polygamy to attract followers though as noted previously in the blog a clear prohibition of polygamy exists the book of later day saints. These are the types of misconceptions I was able to detect when reading material like the Koran. I am the first in history to note that the Koran promotes monogamy and was able to prove it using what was written in the Koran.

more on the new muslim ideas concerning Koran, monogamy as Just

more on the new muslim ideas concerning Koran, monogamy as Just

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-02 - 21:22:49
The cab driver mentioned in the previous post was the first practicing Muslim to report such an idea to me, prior to that the only Muslims I had spoken to, and yes I spoke to many as I live in Toronto, either were lapsed due to the monogamous view or claimed they could not afford more than one wife. Since the cab ride I have encountered the new ideas amongst a few Muslims. Efforts of change always entail more than one person and are concerted efforts realised by many and needing everyone to assist in thier manifestation. The new ideas purport that the Koran teaches one to be monogamous and its followers have determined this to be the only just truth concerning the Koran’s teaching. It definitely promotes equality amongst all peoples, male and female included.

An interesting story.

An interesting story.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-02 - 02:09:26
An interesting story.
On New Years Eve I had to take a cab to Muzic, the club I would celebrate the coming of the New Year. The driver was Pakistani and a practicing muslim, I began to talk to him about the Koran and ideas I had derived from reading it like monogamy. He said” Yes I know, for they have determined that to serve justice you must be monogamous” He also told me that others now espouse the idea that Christ, the only begotten was represented by Jesus yet was in itself beyond only one temporal embodiment as it was God, though the embodiment was as I put it one with the essence of that only begotten.. He said ideas are changing fast but it takes a while to get the message through to everyone. It made the New Years Eve party feel good, knowing world thought was evolving in the right direction and the right ideas were proliferating. It made the New Years Eve party feel good, knowing world thought was evolving in the right direction and the right ideas were proliferating.It seems peaceful efforts are not without fruit and promoting such ideas really does produce peaceful endeavours. Thus, it added new vigour to the idea that the type of peace spoken about in my text is possible

Friday, October 3, 2008

Impressions, lingering effects of impressions, way to create happiness

Impressions, lingering effects of impressions, way to create happiness

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-30 - 23:31:02
I will include these last sections in the ruff of this second book that kind of tells you how things work and how to tap into them in various ways creates worlds, even simple image of a poem makes your mind create a vision both collectively and individually. This section concerns impressions.Based on the idea of empathy and common with the other, one can that each person is effected by others. In fact Sartre said the last way we thought of people are living images of them that lingers till changed. Now impressions are lasting. Each impression of you effects you, good impressions are impressive( do not mind the pun) They effect how we behave and make certain things filter through those impression as we try to do what we desire, or feel as we desire. Sortras lingering impression is the soul reflecting the impressions and ideas people have of us. So having good impressions, like smart, witty, creative, good and so on make one feel more creative propensity to those impressions. If one could give good ideas to people, make them feel positive, if nothing more than a thought that is not negative, then the impression of one is good and we have this higher persona to be good, thus acting good creates a strong higher self, the higher self shines when it is considered well and doing good, this shine makes one brighter, and as the root of the word suggests, smarter. Sometimes one draws various impressions of someone yet each still are linked as one impressionHere is a trick that works and is the reason we say good mourning, how are you? And we answer good, or whatever, when we say well we feel good, if happy we feel happy.So telling people you are happy creates a feeling and lasting impression of happiness.Other impressions are created differently based on impressions and ideas.I truly am feel amazing, sharp and very inspired.
A positive happy, yet determined state of being is always a good one to have.
I have an idea for the structure of the third book on this blog.

Karma sutra, divine sexual behavior and satisfying the other to satisfy the self

Karma sutra, divine sexual behavior and satisfying the other to satisfy the self

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-29 - 20:41:52
I will forgo the shitoism till this weekend and instead examine the idea of sutras
There are thousands if not more sutras written and included in the Hindu tradition.The most popular is the karma sutra and has come to be synonymous with sex.The karma sutra was considered a forbidden book in the 18th century when it was first translated for the west.The text covers quite a few topics.One of my favorites concerns the use of flowers and music to bind a female into love.The idea behind this is that the fragrance, if inviting, creates a sensual stimulus that is connected to the pleasure of the music and the person that female is with. The delight of the senses merges the pleasure as a memory triggered by music or that scent. Some scents have remarkably powerful memories and are triggered by various other scents.
Other interesting parts to the sutra concerning the strategies women can use to bind a man depending on her desired outcome for the relationship.
As mentioned previous, no religious text I have read concerning the teachings of the original enlightened has probation of sex that is why it’s the teachings of an enlightened person.The only prohibition that is universal and one I full agree with concerns rape, rape is the cause of the destruction of Sodom and a big no no.
Many different sutras have been used to create the body of popular teachings concerning sex.Everything from how to practice oral sexStimulation of the g spot, bring a women to multiple orgasms, where the mere touch makes her feel stimulated.Some lessons entail how men can learn to control their erections.How they can learn to ejaculate without losing the hard onHow they can have multiple organismsThere are thousands of ways of stimulating someone to pure unadulterated pleasure, and its fun doing so.
Consenting adults can stimulate each other without ego and achieve higher levels of sexual ecstasy.The pleasure of empathically sharing in the others pleasure makes egoistic pursuits pale in comparison.There is something to be said in giving to receive greater gains.To fulfill the enjoyment of others is more egotistical once you know the rewards as it brings higher sexual pleasures that seeking only self satisfaction. One satisfies the self as one satisfies the other.In philosophy this is called true love, or loving, to be for the other as the self.Thus the divine way of seeking sexual pleasure is the most fulfilling.This is the lesson of a majority of the sutras, for sex is divine is shared and not done solely for egoistic pleasures but rather partaken in for the pleasure of all involved.
As you wish….( a line from a movie I love: Princess Bride)

Something romantic- a poem

Something romantic- a poem

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-27 - 23:34:32
To fulfill Socrates artist component for wisdomHere is a poem I wrote
The ground is moistBreathing dew upon the mourning petals about to bloomI envision the emeralds beyondThe glow of cascading emeralds and stars reigning faithfully into my templeThe day retakes the night at a creeping paceIt is day the fall of nightOh how I crave the crispness of the mourning airThis arousing feeling of being aliveHave you ever been truly loved?Have you ever been taken up into the clouds?Bathed in sunshine kisses that envelope like a cocoon of lavender?Up here you can only smell the nectar of the drying dewThe taste of fragrance is everywhereThere is no more night in Eden as your smiles burns brightNo longer is the Whisless wonders bond to the sands but are freed to pursue the better half.
Mendelssohn said it best, nothing inspires like a deadline.Ciao