Sunday, May 28, 2017

ikiad two leaders progress as to being a leader: messiahs

The hardy warriors whom Boeotia bred,
Penelius, Leitus, Prothoenor, led:
With these Arcesilaus and Clonius stand,
Equal in arms, and equal in command.
These head the troops that rocky Aulis yields,
And Eteon's hills, and Hyrie's watery fields,
And Schoenos, Scholos, Graea near the main,

n     These progressions of divine names as to who trained who and who they became parr with are the spiritual realization, the wisdoms and phases all great leaders go through as part of acquiring the scepters or actualized power of the wands and rings the scepters uses as the authority to its actualized powers. .
n    They are like the progressions similar to Artemisia, Athena then Aphrodite and finally Hera the perfect wife for that particular perfect husband,  as Artemisia a leader who mastered the arts above would get a mate equally capable and endoowed.
n    Hera means one never squabble, she is the goddess of the perfect counterpart and never fights with Zues. They are perfect to their resolve of making each happy: that is a divine couple!!!

And Eteon  is enouch from the bioble , hense higher leaders are messiahs like Enoch.  It was said all messes mist be Elijia and Enoch equivalents or parrs.

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