Sunday, May 7, 2017

Ikiad two divin partheonic plan prayed

With rushing troops the plains are cover'd o'er,
And thundering footsteps shake the sounding shore.
Along the river's level meads they stand,
Thick as in spring the flowers adorn the land,
Or leaves the trees; or thick as insects play,
The wandering nation of a summer's day:
That, drawn by milky steams, at evening hours,
In gather'd swarms surround the rural bowers;
From pail to pail with busy murmur run
The gilded legions, glittering in the sun.
So throng'd, so close, the Grecian squadrons stood
In radiant arms, and thirst for Trojan blood.
Each leader now his scatter'd force conjoins
In close array, and forms the deepening lines.
Not with more ease the skilful shepherd-swain
Collects his flocks from thousands on the plain.
The king of kings, majestically tall,
Towers o'er his armies, and outshines them all;
Like some proud bull, that round the pastures leads
His subject herds, the monarch of the meads,
Great as the gods, the exalted chief was seen,
His strength like Neptune, and like Mars his mien;99
Jove o'er his eyes celestial glories spread,
And dawning conquest played around his head.
Say, virgins, seated round the throne divine,
All-knowing goddesses! immortal nine!100
Since earth's wide regions, heaven's umneasur'd height,
And hell's abyss, hide nothing from your sight,
(We, wretched mortals! lost in doubts below,
But guess by rumour, and but boast we know,)
O say what heroes, fired by thirst of fame,
Or urged by wrongs, to Troy's destruction came.
To count them all, demands a thousand tongues,
A throat of brass, and adamantine lungs.
Daughters of Jove, assist! inspired by you
The mighty labour dauntless I pursue;
[pg 040]
What crowded armies, from what climes they bring,
Their names, their numbers, and their chiefs I sing.

n    Here is a refrence to all those ready top redeam troy amd thirst for the corrupt blood of the bad troyjans.
n    "Say first, for heav'n hides nothing from thy view."
n    —"Paradise Lost," i. 27.
n    "Ma di' tu, Musa, come i primi danni
n    Mandassero a Cristiani, e di quai parti:
n    Tu 'l sai; ma di tant' opra a noi si lunge
n    Debil aura di fama appena giunge."
n    The call to all mime virgins and just ones to count and make sure all goes justly reinforces the lawfulness from the earth to heaven from down up.
n    Note the virgins are in heaven or on a heavenly earth and the mortals fighting have fallen to a lower plain or battle and can do no one in heaven or an earth harm
n    The battle dimention is lawer than the regular life earth.
n    \
A failed on goes to hell and heroes are on a higher plain than the mortals but not where the virgins or non fighters are, the civilians.
The heroes are overarching the mortals ion the plain of battle BUT ON A DIFERENT DIMENTION OF IT AND AS LONG AS THEY  STAY VIRTUOES STAY SAFE AND UPHIGH.
AT THE END OF BATTLE ALL GET JUDGEMED And those who broke no rules of virtue are returned, the ones with high virtue go to a higher place and the ones who broke the law to hades and hell will go.
till bnext week

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