Sunday, May 7, 2017

addendem to upgrade

yes that includes all the schools from kindergarden/play school to hafath or high school
call it a seperate school board and the unidiversity a private university
after august all our students will take our courses included the qudruple honours program which is a three year program above the first three years
take any amount of years up to 3
the ba berithit and even a two and one year program is available through the colage through the unidiverity / multidivergence
or credentials are higher
thus we are certified in thier systems all profs were trained by the ikld system and thus we are fully credified and on our own in september
we were training in thier system by thier standards and will catch up to our standards after
some have already and are done pending finishingment school this summer or fall
the finishment school iis part of our system as is prepairment school.
all good as you know the score
oh our food has the high academic vits in them so no skin filth if you want to stay heakthy
makes us submitted very heakthy and happy.
gov aproved
it was decided we have nothing to do with the old gov we are part of the country but were not elected on earth
in heven only god knows!!!

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