Sunday, May 28, 2017

male gods needed to be parred in spirit even weakly to be a divine husband or just normak hubbie

so that was interesting as teh male also has a progression to be a good husband
zues us where hera is a perfect mate/
ifestos is teh capable
Aries is teh perfect capable one in teh challeges we battle peacefully and lawfully each day.

appolo the qwise
hermies is wise well teh knowledgable and he comes before appolo.]

mother is sometimes called dimetra.

more research on this would be funtill next week

Iliad 2 list of beinmgs and atainment to plains needed to be divine leaders.

And Mycalessia's ample piny plain;
Those who in Peteon or Ilesion dwell,
Or Harma where Apollo's prophet fell;

n     These are spiritual plains or attainments a real divine leader obtains. 
Heleon and Hyle, which the springs o'erflow;
And Medeon lofty, and Ocalea low;
Or in the meads of Haliartus stray,
Or Thespia sacred to the god of day:
Onchestus, Neptune's celebrated groves;
Copae, and Thisbe, famed for silver doves;
[pg 041]

n    Refers to all people wgo were leaders including thespian from the future or the godthetic spirit of Christos wife.

For flocks Erythrae, Glissa for the vine;
Platea green, and Nysa the divine;
And they whom Thebe's well-built walls inclose,
Where Myde, Eutresis, Corone, rose;
And Arne rich, with purple harvests crown'd;
And Anthedon, Boeotia's utmost bound.
Full fifty ships they send, and each conveys
Twice sixty warriors through the foaming seas.102
n     Here some of the greater leaders and divine beings are listed as leaders of the graceans who now set sai.
n    The number of worriors are worth noting for a war game.

from :

ikiad two leaders progress as to being a leader: messiahs

The hardy warriors whom Boeotia bred,
Penelius, Leitus, Prothoenor, led:
With these Arcesilaus and Clonius stand,
Equal in arms, and equal in command.
These head the troops that rocky Aulis yields,
And Eteon's hills, and Hyrie's watery fields,
And Schoenos, Scholos, Graea near the main,

n     These progressions of divine names as to who trained who and who they became parr with are the spiritual realization, the wisdoms and phases all great leaders go through as part of acquiring the scepters or actualized power of the wands and rings the scepters uses as the authority to its actualized powers. .
n    They are like the progressions similar to Artemisia, Athena then Aphrodite and finally Hera the perfect wife for that particular perfect husband,  as Artemisia a leader who mastered the arts above would get a mate equally capable and endoowed.
n    Hera means one never squabble, she is the goddess of the perfect counterpart and never fights with Zues. They are perfect to their resolve of making each happy: that is a divine couple!!!

And Eteon  is enouch from the bioble , hense higher leaders are messiahs like Enoch.  It was said all messes mist be Elijia and Enoch equivalents or parrs.

why a repeating section in the myths

if you look each of teh myths I posted earlier in the blog from hercules and e4sp thesis and so on some sections were reoffered and had a slightkly diferent write up, I suspect divine intervetion leading us to realise that more than one translation or original write up might exist to help explain what teh original writing was trying to say and encompass all teh ideas.

iliad relook at last section

I accidendltly reposted this section with extra comentary, its abit diferent so enjoy.  

[pg 039]
With rushing troops the plains are cover'd o'er,
And thundering footsteps shake the sounding shore.
Along the river's level meads they stand,
Thick as in spring the flowers adorn the land,
Or leaves the trees; or thick as insects play,
The wandering nation of a summer's day:
That, drawn by milky steams, at evening hours,
In gather'd swarms surround the rural bowers;
From pail to pail with busy murmur run
The gilded legions, glittering in the sun.
So throng'd, so close, the Grecian squadrons stood
In radiant arms, and thirst for Trojan blood.
Each leader now his scatter'd force conjoins
In close array, and forms the deepening lines.
Not with more ease the skilful shepherd-swain
Collects his flocks from thousands on the plain.
The king of kings, majestically tall,
Towers o'er his armies, and outshines them all;
Like some proud bull, that round the pastures leads
His subject herds, the monarch of the meads,
Great as the gods, the exalted chief was seen,
His strength like Neptune, and like Mars his mien;99
Jove o'er his eyes celestial glories spread,
And dawning conquest played around his head.
Say, virgins, seated round the throne divine,
All-knowing goddesses! immortal nine!100
Since earth's wide regions, heaven's umneasur'd height,
And hell's abyss, hide nothing from your sight,
(We, wretched mortals! lost in doubts below,
But guess by rumour, and but boast we know,)
O say what heroes, fired by thirst of fame,
Or urged by wrongs, to Troy's destruction came.
To count them all, demands a thousand tongues,
A throat of brass, and adamantine lungs.
Daughters of Jove, assist! inspired by you
The mighty labour dauntless I pursue;
[pg 040]
What crowded armies, from what climes they bring,
Their names, their numbers, and their chiefs I sing. 
n   Either in spirit or in reality themselves
n   Godthetic spirits taking coporal form the armies of the grwaceans are led by divine ways and godthet ze self.
even the chilfren of God who have become par with the logos are on teh gracean side.

moving forward

Interesting upheavals occuring
the last phase of the upgrade is in process.
we are purging the aphetic or fake nerves we created to learn abour and beat the substances we are now immune to and our body duscards without effect.
it does not even allow them to enter
so parts of the brain and body that was reactive to certainsubstances like onion and lemon are being desolved in the bodies normal process of upgrading and are being replaced with super immune  tissue that is not subseptible to ills.
the old memoriies and other functions are written into a face nerve system that is incoporated into the knew one as the body build the upgraded new part
when done post phase begins of living healthy and full of energy, after a year of that all you recall is being healthy as you are becoming
soon this will be done

ps like acheilis the people who got the divine drop of kolasis or that polimer like substace are now impregnible to bullets but a needle at the doc based on how it goes in , its like star teck now , a topical shot, still works.
wpps we have judged the mortal lines who have no substances like the vitamins of heaven available to them
they have no power, will die and cannot become us
only the gids knew the logos as to why tsubmission to the word and god is just admitting that you understand that god is always incharge
Godthet is the teacher and the saving grace
let the mortals die and fall to the lake of fire , we are done.
a;ot chose to attack or take suicide pacts , let them go to the punishment they desreve for bother us the lawful ones
we did notthing unjust so they attacvked us unjustly.
see even the old laws are on our sude
we are in the atlantic on kalegea
they air burst buked toronto and other places after we left , I have seen satelite footage m even just now, its done
we are clean air safe , thus the purging.
clean air does that
praise and blessing to those wise enough to understand that there is only one godthet and zes guildance has not failed to prize all the good people on that lawful just and righteous side.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Ikiad two divin partheonic plan prayed

With rushing troops the plains are cover'd o'er,
And thundering footsteps shake the sounding shore.
Along the river's level meads they stand,
Thick as in spring the flowers adorn the land,
Or leaves the trees; or thick as insects play,
The wandering nation of a summer's day:
That, drawn by milky steams, at evening hours,
In gather'd swarms surround the rural bowers;
From pail to pail with busy murmur run
The gilded legions, glittering in the sun.
So throng'd, so close, the Grecian squadrons stood
In radiant arms, and thirst for Trojan blood.
Each leader now his scatter'd force conjoins
In close array, and forms the deepening lines.
Not with more ease the skilful shepherd-swain
Collects his flocks from thousands on the plain.
The king of kings, majestically tall,
Towers o'er his armies, and outshines them all;
Like some proud bull, that round the pastures leads
His subject herds, the monarch of the meads,
Great as the gods, the exalted chief was seen,
His strength like Neptune, and like Mars his mien;99
Jove o'er his eyes celestial glories spread,
And dawning conquest played around his head.
Say, virgins, seated round the throne divine,
All-knowing goddesses! immortal nine!100
Since earth's wide regions, heaven's umneasur'd height,
And hell's abyss, hide nothing from your sight,
(We, wretched mortals! lost in doubts below,
But guess by rumour, and but boast we know,)
O say what heroes, fired by thirst of fame,
Or urged by wrongs, to Troy's destruction came.
To count them all, demands a thousand tongues,
A throat of brass, and adamantine lungs.
Daughters of Jove, assist! inspired by you
The mighty labour dauntless I pursue;
[pg 040]
What crowded armies, from what climes they bring,
Their names, their numbers, and their chiefs I sing.

n    Here is a refrence to all those ready top redeam troy amd thirst for the corrupt blood of the bad troyjans.
n    "Say first, for heav'n hides nothing from thy view."
n    —"Paradise Lost," i. 27.
n    "Ma di' tu, Musa, come i primi danni
n    Mandassero a Cristiani, e di quai parti:
n    Tu 'l sai; ma di tant' opra a noi si lunge
n    Debil aura di fama appena giunge."
n    The call to all mime virgins and just ones to count and make sure all goes justly reinforces the lawfulness from the earth to heaven from down up.
n    Note the virgins are in heaven or on a heavenly earth and the mortals fighting have fallen to a lower plain or battle and can do no one in heaven or an earth harm
n    The battle dimention is lawer than the regular life earth.
n    \
A failed on goes to hell and heroes are on a higher plain than the mortals but not where the virgins or non fighters are, the civilians.
The heroes are overarching the mortals ion the plain of battle BUT ON A DIFERENT DIMENTION OF IT AND AS LONG AS THEY  STAY VIRTUOES STAY SAFE AND UPHIGH.
AT THE END OF BATTLE ALL GET JUDGEMED And those who broke no rules of virtue are returned, the ones with high virtue go to a higher place and the ones who broke the law to hades and hell will go.
till bnext week