Sunday, January 8, 2017

setting some record straight , I guesss

so this is how it works according to the someone
each of these events described in this blog concerning wars is determinatye  dimentions and creations of seeds to grow parts of reality retroctive.  it is all the will of God and godthet decideds who at occurs.
\was there upgrades?  yes going to school does that.
the dimentions of reality retracted to bare minimals.
all rights were returned once the timeless right system was created,  I hold none
yes the someone co -operating with the god esse set reality timelessly and retroctive.
was there a world war, well for a day, some people shot bullets in all countries, but really what ever was on the news happened, there was fighting in the middle east and probably some drunkards shotting guns over boeArders here, read drathera and it tells you sometimes idiots do that c often enough that it is called common.

the sewers keep poping, they should go back to the trenches system with smooth concret u trencheswith a rat runners along the top with a regular stone underbelly
they work but mild seepig is causing smells in the city
its less healthy
the news has pointed out sweres electricity and gasis off in a lot of places, I still have mine.
feeling healthy and fully normal
we reset to toronto
its still called canada
one can only set programs through godthet and see what grows
post national canada grow
post to the nation of canada
other than prayers and ideas to inspire godthet qwe did nothing and have nothing to do with it.
blame us not

messeas means meso like in meso america
once you smerge with godthet and become godthets avathan you are niether man nor godthet but a godtheter sharing in the co 0operative power of godthet that in its omniscent universal ominipotence is the final say and fist mover and only divine power siource and control of divine powerrs
imagine only that.
so you have no powers except learning picking of the fruit of knowledge which is about lifem the life we lead
thanks adam.
what ever structures we have built in heaven and the goods only those who have submitted to godthet and enslaved themselves to gods will to co-operate with it is stikll here
from mathew godthet is our teacher and what is set in heaven as giodthets class and school is not on thier earth
heaven is a perfect reflection opf here anmd our heaven is by submission only
thus the school is as is
yes day cars or player schools existr
mcguinty started people at 2 some start after maternity leave.
all good.
out of my hands , I have no children thus I have no direct affect on things.
the abnti bodies for saving people are in the air, the larger body, well sometimes, but no deseases  of war weapon quility is detected currently so what ever
is Godthet wanted to save you ze would
the new language is of heaven not of earth.
let Godthets system teach it to whom ever as ze requires and dictates.
out of our hands in that way.
so after we drew all those scenerios of what could exist to inspire godthet to chose to mold things in reaction to the living returned us to toronto cannada post national country.
thus on wards
emergency cities?  out of my hands just an inspiring dimention
recall that only godthet makes the final descision basded on godthetic system refklecting perfect versions of earthly asystem that make the system by godthets will becomne as it does.

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