Sunday, January 8, 2017

role of tho dev pantheon

we just finished the panpantheon for one of our scenerion
we finished anagerating traha or the new city view of us
so dev keta ward light set this dream this night
the power of the pace made people race and woke our role playing group up.

the fulliment iof reality is set
then based on some inspiration that some of our group left the city to suffer a thousdand years of extra time with thier progeny, allowed us to set the next epos or thousand years
we call it kruha
or the tho thother
ot was fun but it is shutting
similar to ladst epos
thus its 10000 something and the first crim is finiag
we used a lot of high end ideas
the oprganet systenm that reflects the unified comp tech dio valenti exists,
its work independly and co operates with godthet
dev was name in city anageuration for godtheters.
pit of our hands
Godthets will.
everything is back to nominal normal

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