Sunday, January 8, 2017

what is submission to godthet

s ppsalm 5 - 16 17 22 and 69 is teh full coven of submission]

in hinduism its the the bagavatan 8 th chapter
in mohomed the psalms listed above wicca uses them so does christianity anf the jew
soem profs call themselves jews to be like christ that is a belief the jewsih people are a middle easyern race.
noy yej same
anti nazu profs from university insighting riot were arrsted as as book burnings, dangerous seditious books that caused the war were burnt
ghetto jeqwish people werre moved with k a cat traqwuilizer after showers
requested by thier leaders
the ghetto at auswich failed they were moved safely to traha russia.
two diferent peoples.
one acadaemics and the likes of any religion including christianity trying to be like christ another are the people who call that thier race.
jew is beluef
jerwish a tribe
all good
for buddhism is drahara section of bdamapata
doism dethera same but in cruha of iching
cinfusicst us same section as doist
shinto uses section draha and truth in duratha tecxt
all good
coran ';s section is mahera 2
same psalms
ok all good till later

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