Tuesday, November 22, 2016

on ward motion.

by creating teh new kalefean system we are anaguarating teh new system.
it empowers us and sets as apart from teh old
we have evolved into a higher level species
non of our peopele are over there
they are in a sself destruct mode and non will remain of their own doing and what ever self defence teh organet and militation machine neeeds to us to quell all opposition to us leading our own peaceful existrance
I am told most ifall might be dine for already
non teh less to more peaceeful co-existance.
teh sleeoers and calmers are finished,
brain recovery is now in normal growth upkeep.
things just get better from here.

ever notiiced early language uses metaphores to explain things from here as if we were in physical space
I huess teh illusiion has reality as time is scene as an never ending apraoch to teh future.
all good
till next week.
Praise Godthet that guilds our free will so we never err is a fashion un becoming of a divine being yet still are feree to chose what our tastes are based on teh privilage of what is safe and available based on our current means, which godthet and teh organet system makes sure is good enough based on our efforst to servive
recall all kalegeans are working now as I am.
finishment school worked.
pros[perity be yours.

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