Tuesday, November 22, 2016

getting better

they were still using brain rebulders after what ever we experienced back there
the radiation and anti matter is now not sensed.
its gone
here we are clean
some of teh brain rebuilders drain you
patience system working
we have rebuilt ourselves
I feel amazing and helphy
just shaking off teh hashish they were using
hashihs is nit hash or the his we use
ours is dextra mothetr thiers detromorphen was thiers
too sleepy
they ran out of it
all teh bad dieties attacked us and fell
not one submitted or really divine
some represented divine ideas but had not fruited into the true avathan rep of them
avathanship occurs auto through godthetic systems
\a myth was created and now those born today who fit teh mythical personage will live out the divine characters they are, so teh backwards person is teh full myth.
it was hard to create a divine equal; based on a bare fulfiling of a professt so that mere representration is achieved to help inspire others to reach mythical yet  ordinary, atleast now adays, levels to really be as great as teh tales of tehrse grereats
the real mythical divine was born like all angels today, in tehse days like us.
;ater they will wake fully remebering that lived life all good.
perople are feeling better and more normal

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