Friday, November 4, 2016

more lowdown on kaligean

to firther explain:

we created a new system that was meant for the old world, we mastered monetary policy, however there were a lot of thieves using their theft, or promise to it, to convince people to side with them and maintain the old system.  The same people complaining they are broke due to the system chose to take pennies to pay for what was being riped off from them and thus all bribes would return to the briber with interest amd the bribed will be as destitude , if not worse, than before.
after trying to separate people into cultural groups, we discovered the majority of people now drunkards, due to self inducement and the war wanted the old, uhg.  So we tried creating a new society in Canada as a higher reseve, other places tried the same, it was an attempt to utilise the researches and laws made available, to many conflicts with people who were paty of the group that included the bribers above, though some of these groups were not directly affiliated to each other.  they were all grouped together because they wanted to maintain the old decrepid system.  we even tried becoming a new nation tied through the defence of the old, in Canada it is like a us state but more like Greenland was, a greater feeling of independence is fostered in such a relationship.  They knew our system worked, we took the part of our deficit owed by us per person and payed it, we no longer accrued their debt, Canada nowe owes trillions and the us 100s of trillions.  We went down to 30 million and then paid everything off.
Harper was on our side for reforms and when the pilot project the new baby, walked healthily in Toronto, or its equivalent elete kalayahen city it was offered with intent to reform the whole system, they did everything to maintain the system they steal from.
the world was on our side up till the baddoers realised that our system elimeenanted them that they attacked furiously, yes they tried killing all of us, tried making us dumb and used suiciode brain dead folks to deploy things like glues on mass, solvents, sniff away now you go native uhg!
we are in a surplus and now on our own we are able to utilise our resources as we planned,. it took a lot of money to build us the kaligeans , all our peoples are called vulkanean, live forever and prosper.
so we commissioned the continental footing and created a country, we are 22 miles inlamnf and it can onlu feel like an ocean and not a continent at 8 miles.  we have protective covesm all wild life even whales and dolphins in a closed garbour they came to us themselves.
we saved and made our own foods , livestick, planrs, metals
all here is kalagean made, all live stock and planys born here now.
nothing is of them.
personal items are uyours and were double checked, all clean no poisons.
there is a berear wall, rock wall, with 22 fiit tall pipes to stop large waves as it does at vladibastock, no sunamy effects them
it is at the 299 mile limit, we are all linked 6 coyntries in the atlanticm four in the pacific, which included the the united people gov.
we are not interacting with the dieing all world, man are they poor and starving, they are no lomnger our concern as we are created a new society amnd fighting to make it work.  y.. yes it is working.
the organet system prihet and athema have all systems at optinmal safeties here, even shields that appear wirg temporal redating by the auto system to save you from harm and accidents.
it is the dio valenti run by gothet, its a godthetical machine that checks itself by many systems and cannot fail, it is smart real intelligence (RI) not AI artufucial intelligence.
we are more advance we still have full electrility comps, internet cell phones radio and tv and so on.
they cannot land here accidently and its a no fly zone
their leaders on the leader state islands are on our side atleast in the fact that they want them to stop attacking people, thus we are not at war and they are happy we found a p[lace, a rock shelf , created our system as countries and servived.
so we can sail between our countries with the barear, their are port authorities and navy coast guard maning the entrences to the inside of the barierre wall.  it is monitored and people are brought to a detention center outside our waters to be retrived by their people.  we use a high flier shuttle to move between the pacific ocean states and the atlantic ocean, but inside each ocean the barrear is around each new country or crates,  two in the atlantic and one in the pacific, but business as usean we even have trains or trums
all climates tropical on the tips like Scotland due to tropical currents up, so we even have vacation spots and cold from the north so we have a  colder climate
all citizens of our world are now new higher evolved, all educated, our brains grew due to submission and our effirts to upgrade our sides.
we experience true liberty even from sin, as paslm 22 says may godthet guild our movements to be operfect for us and all around us, but our mopvements are our own in a world of other owns,  hence negative freedom is as it always did, we are free to act freely based on the restricts of the laws of civilisarion and virtue.
the militation teck is light years ahead as the space teck is, all trips from terran to the space port is opur people, to the next one too, lay away to check for cleaness is weeks or even months, one more space port away we encounter the pilots from other planets.  we still fly only over international waters and un has endorsed our existence as we them in their world, hoping one day they can stabalise their world and reform it to a betterment like ours, we do not interact with the un anymore they deal with that world we are a closed society only for the sdubmitted of kalagean.  the vulkaneans are free to travel between our krats and even visit the international  continent selve.

so only looking better.  on wards

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