Monday, October 5, 2015

Iliad 1Nestorir wisdom

 He spoke; and furious hurl'd against the ground
His sceptre starr'd with golden studs around:
Then sternly silent sat. With like disdain
The raging king return'd his frowns again.

    Here the authority of the septer is shown.

To calm their passion with the words of age,
Slow from his seat arose the Pylian sage,
Experienced Nestor, in persuasion skill'd;
Words, sweet as honey, from his lips distill'd:58
Two generations now had pass'd away,
Wise by his rules, and happy by his sway;
Two ages o'er his native realm he reign'd,
[pg 011]
And now the example of the third remain'd.
All view'd with awe the venerable man;
Who thus with mild benevolence began:—

--Here Nestor the Pylian sage, makes his appearance: two generations, that is about 7 years a generation for them,  of people have lived by the rules and words of nestor, the words have powers and authority of the ages .  like the septure its authority had to be mentioned, the authority is of eth wisdom and proven track record.  This is the next and third generation blessed to know his wisdom and guidance, it is wise enough to be revered as  benevolent.

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