Monday, October 5, 2015

body and mind evolving

There were alot of weird chems and poisons around including hemlock which locks up the mind by replacing neural receptors till the mind shuts even teh breathing off, four drops will do it
we gained a certain level of immunity to these substances, smaller exposure
we had death lemon and onion deployed by peace bleeding heart lovers that lobotomized everyone
keep thing, say words inside yopur head, read silently, the mind repairs itself, it uses tissue immune to said poisons, neural plasticity and recovery will be 200%+
We will be smarter ,, faster
yes the mind grows new tissue, even more synaptic links than before
Have a brownie
a protein shake
free burn am eficant ( or smoke onem, dope and kigarets ) or eat these things like me.
Vitamins are important a one a day atleast, well balanced eating, not too much and not too little, you know, see the health guild.
eat meat
a nice almost scratchy feeling in teh head is recovery
I am going faster than before and have become immune to thier ills
Knock out gasses have turned into energizers
hunger chems, make me feel not hungry
a;; hood
Overexposure has brought immunity and upgraded us
We have converted them to hood positive feelings
They say if you get hungry ignore it it goes away
get use to the gas it no longer is related to hunger, you ignored it and got use to it associated to not eating
Mind thinks this is not hunger or sleep I do not slleep or eat on it
I am awake and like me it becomes a stimulant.
crain capacity, nervous system, muscles including veraiity have upgrades
Everything about us did
all to the advantage of eth good and virtuous.

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