Monday, October 5, 2015

best chain is scholi

Since I get a sense that some people wanted to know more about the school thing, I can tell you the chain for teh new system is teh school.
the inspiration that Godthit sends thew teh spirit of a collective and commune is controlled by Godthit, Nehethan agrees.
the info necessary to cause this upgrade is disseminated through the scholh system.
we are wrapping up cleaning teh system
The upgrade and info needed and being disseminated by teh system from things like scholi will reach full fruition in blastetha and the three months after, are included during banishment, this summer teh firs student full finishes, some people needed one or two classes and decided to finish with all all of us this sholi anus.
like godthit Organth redated itself from beginning to end, it entails even teh rock, the planets and whole cosmos,all our machines and comps, it obey rules of privacy and only contacts authorities when a real crime occurs. we upgraded some of the teck and added fields, it is commanded by Godthit, it has its own will
it does not obey military or world leaders, but works with us and obey only Godthitic protocols and laws, it bases its action in reference to teh same principals of virtue we do.
Never has failed
Praise the great machine the dio valenti
All right till next week

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