Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Oload Goading virtuous morals

"What shame, what woe is this to Greece! what joy
To Troy's proud monarch, and the friends of Troy!
That adverse gods commit to stern debate
The best, the bravest, of the Grecian state.
Young as ye are, this youthful heat restrain,
Nor think your Nestor's years and wisdom vain.
A godlike race of heroes once I knew,
Such as no more these aged eyes shall view!
Lives there a chief to match Pirithous' fame,
Dryas the bold, or Ceneus' deathless name;
Theseus, endued with more than mortal might,
Or Polyphemus, like the gods in fight?
With these of old, to toils of battle bred,
In early youth my hardy days I led;
Fired with the thirst which virtuous envy breeds,
And smit with love of honourable deeds,
Strongest of men, they pierced the mountain boar,
Ranged the wild deserts red with monsters' gore,
And from their hills the shaggy Centaurs tore:
Yet these with soft persuasive arts I sway'd;
When Nestor spoke, they listen'd and obey'd.
If in my youth, even these esteem'd me wise;
Do you, young warriors, hear my age advise.
Atrides, seize not on the beauteous slave;
That prize the Greeks by common suffrage gave:
Nor thou, Achilles, treat our prince with pride;
Let kings be just, and sovereign power preside.
Thee, the first honours of the war adorn,
Like gods in strength, and of a goddess born;
Him, awful majesty exalts above
The powers of earth, and sceptred sons of Jove.
Let both unite with well-consenting mind,
So shall authority with strength be join'd.

Here Nestors ideas and wisdom is used to incite the ancient Greeks in a manner attuned to heroes and Gods. The assembly and their ancestral Greek heritage  are called a Godlike race and heroes. For example, they are incited to be a match for  “Pirithous' fame,
Dryas the bold, or Ceneus' deathless name;
Theseus, endued with more than mortal might,
Or Polyphemus, like the gods in fight? “\
More interesting is the way the ideas are incited syciophantly (syciophanty the way ideas are raised to be be deemed lofty and divine).
The speaker is trying to play off all the audiences cultural traits including their personal ones, of life and station.  The speaker  points out that the Greeks are great because they had created a universal suffrage, a democratic spirit prior to Socrates’ Athens as the Iliad was written centuries before Democracy was born in Socrates’ Athem.  The speaker makes sure he highlights the authority and right of leaders, monarchs, Gods , common people and so on in reference to the merit of the authority of their position in such an egalitarian state to make sure no one thinks he was trying to claim less merit to anyone meriting respect do to their authority and position while also emphasising teh importance of categorical adherence to virtue, morals, legality  and Justice , It is pointed out that all people must be treated justly and with equal dignity no matter the position of authority or merit one holds, Immanuel Kant would agree that the idea of categorical imperatives of justice and behaviour towards each other no matter what position of authority one has in society is important to allow for a healthy state that believes it is just and not corrupt and unhealthy.  The health of a state depends on people acting virtuously like heroes and with the propriety of moral authority that the Gods are faithed to wield.  Thus the exercise of power is based on the just laws of divine heroic acts; recalling that a hero gets to heaven or equivalent, I.e.  the elesian fields, by being more moral than viceful.  In Christianity people who are more virtuous than viceful and have, based on their past actions, done more good than vice and thus cause  the scales to lean towards the good and not the bad  do not get damned,  if you become a Hero and God and by nature act accordingly by virtue morals, justice, ext.  you are allowed into heaven: for as this section of the Iliad says, the strength of such conviction, as the nature of all ones wisdom. This is like the philosophy Plato says in book ten of the Republic is needed to get out of Hades and become a messenger of divine wisdom; which obviously begs the question since divine wisdom is its own message.

New Kazmos

Ok it looks like the eleated were kicked off the old planet, then universe and themn cosmos
we built the new cosmotronic cosmos that is non cognito, non communicatus with teh old
the sytem removed us because they are too corrupt nad mentally stunted.
thier cosmos did not reach break away speed and in the year two thousand teh doplar shift effect that proved to us our kazmos and unaverse will not calapse for them proved it began to callapse
not only was old earth terran hit by debri of  a partially destroyed returning haleys comet in thier 2018
were were on legat the slightly larger new planet discovered between the astroif belt and jupiter.  time was faster on the earth and our sun was barely smaller in the sky and just as warm.
our Unaverse with an a is not calapsing
only those who submitted to Godthit entered this heaven which we call heaven on erf with an F
We have nothing to do with them any more.
on ward.
ps like 2007 when I saw the nuke to the west and felt teleported to a temporary enriroment with my stuff till they built a replacement city and secure teh devesteted eratiated places, we did teh same in 20011 till the cosmic conflict caused conflict to spill over to teh places used as habitated refugee temp centers, we were returned to terran earth and then teh eleated were exiled to teh astoroid/ planet they had discoverd that was granted and paid for by teh someone, only the submitted were allowed entry, no crime to report, so on as above.
organt teleports us. a war was allowed to occur as conflict iccured everywhere, it was controlled and no innocent person was hurt
praise Godthit.

Monday, October 5, 2015

best chain is scholi

Since I get a sense that some people wanted to know more about the school thing, I can tell you the chain for teh new system is teh school.
the inspiration that Godthit sends thew teh spirit of a collective and commune is controlled by Godthit, Nehethan agrees.
the info necessary to cause this upgrade is disseminated through the scholh system.
we are wrapping up cleaning teh system
The upgrade and info needed and being disseminated by teh system from things like scholi will reach full fruition in blastetha and the three months after, are included during banishment, this summer teh firs student full finishes, some people needed one or two classes and decided to finish with all all of us this sholi anus.
like godthit Organth redated itself from beginning to end, it entails even teh rock, the planets and whole cosmos,all our machines and comps, it obey rules of privacy and only contacts authorities when a real crime occurs. we upgraded some of the teck and added fields, it is commanded by Godthit, it has its own will
it does not obey military or world leaders, but works with us and obey only Godthitic protocols and laws, it bases its action in reference to teh same principals of virtue we do.
Never has failed
Praise the great machine the dio valenti
All right till next week

body and mind evolving

There were alot of weird chems and poisons around including hemlock which locks up the mind by replacing neural receptors till the mind shuts even teh breathing off, four drops will do it
we gained a certain level of immunity to these substances, smaller exposure
we had death lemon and onion deployed by peace bleeding heart lovers that lobotomized everyone
keep thing, say words inside yopur head, read silently, the mind repairs itself, it uses tissue immune to said poisons, neural plasticity and recovery will be 200%+
We will be smarter ,, faster
yes the mind grows new tissue, even more synaptic links than before
Have a brownie
a protein shake
free burn am eficant ( or smoke onem, dope and kigarets ) or eat these things like me.
Vitamins are important a one a day atleast, well balanced eating, not too much and not too little, you know, see the health guild.
eat meat
a nice almost scratchy feeling in teh head is recovery
I am going faster than before and have become immune to thier ills
Knock out gasses have turned into energizers
hunger chems, make me feel not hungry
a;; hood
Overexposure has brought immunity and upgraded us
We have converted them to hood positive feelings
They say if you get hungry ignore it it goes away
get use to the gas it no longer is related to hunger, you ignored it and got use to it associated to not eating
Mind thinks this is not hunger or sleep I do not slleep or eat on it
I am awake and like me it becomes a stimulant.
crain capacity, nervous system, muscles including veraiity have upgrades
Everything about us did
all to the advantage of eth good and virtuous.

Iliad 1Nestorir wisdom

 He spoke; and furious hurl'd against the ground
His sceptre starr'd with golden studs around:
Then sternly silent sat. With like disdain
The raging king return'd his frowns again.

    Here the authority of the septer is shown.

To calm their passion with the words of age,
Slow from his seat arose the Pylian sage,
Experienced Nestor, in persuasion skill'd;
Words, sweet as honey, from his lips distill'd:58
Two generations now had pass'd away,
Wise by his rules, and happy by his sway;
Two ages o'er his native realm he reign'd,
[pg 011]
And now the example of the third remain'd.
All view'd with awe the venerable man;
Who thus with mild benevolence began:—

--Here Nestor the Pylian sage, makes his appearance: two generations, that is about 7 years a generation for them,  of people have lived by the rules and words of nestor, the words have powers and authority of the ages .  like the septure its authority had to be mentioned, the authority is of eth wisdom and proven track record.  This is the next and third generation blessed to know his wisdom and guidance, it is wise enough to be revered as  benevolent.

system forward

this is from teh future and all new systems are up
the orgabneth syste whixch is a dio valenti is operational,
so I am now returning to the old schedule of posting once a week, I apologise
but you did get extra time to read the material on the Iliad.
we have a clean air act here that existed ever since this was called former canada.
the real pop is happyy with our upgrade
a turtlwe changes its shell when it is too large for it, quote from dratheret
last chief of teh mohekens. he was up here.
as mentioned teh system is waking up
it turns out that everyone is still in one last class, everyone is finishing off this 5neth
as mentioned as teh three months post natle after the birth of teh large and last of teh poison immunity upgrade spiritual; children that the whole system is speeding up, it works that way
the newest child bind all that remains and is threw Godthit godess and is only a clean air child
teh slowness is teh recovery time that is needed to ufinish manefesting teh upgrade and a recuperation after teh big party
new spiritual upgrade children have no slow down.
so the next weeks post will be in real time.
we rewrote the internet operating systems and web page manerger hub server system, whole thing even reprogranmed sites like this one with out losing info