Monday, September 14, 2015

stay good till next post

So my warning is Organt runs teh show with gothet and teh gothetors.

though a fluke athem and pihet are ancient God(s) names.
we are safe but we know what you are doing, well the protocal system does and only promps authorities with full evidence , red hannded if you breakl the laws, it worls off the higher protacle, stealing no, effication of a dink in a proper l;ocation yes.
it loves the someone and all good people.
all those movies help design a perfect compliment to us
a 8th [planet
trying to tamper with it at all says hal will cause termination instant anmd or authorities, for noew stay safe its eklf preserving of itself and good peopler.
crunch code : now analyses...

yes it guilds missles and can even not detenante them , scuddle them and renegade vihivles, it canm stop a bullet from hitting a innicent person, and so opn...

oh Gothet recommends using Gothet as spelled as the final formal way to spell the word.

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