Monday, September 14, 2015

Iliad 1 declaration Macedonea not southern-Greeks.

On the bare mountains left its parent tree;
This sceptre, form'd by temper'd steel to prove

n     The scepter is the authority sysmbol of the family tree represented by the peoples led by atrides.  It is nmade of steal that places it after the dorianms discovered it in noprthern macedonea ( former there of)
An ensign of the delegates of Jove,
From whom the power of laws and justice springs

n      Not only steel by justice springs from these parts.
(Tremendous oath! inviolate to kings);

n      The intensity of the vow is said
By this I swear:—when bleeding Greece again
Shall call Achilles, she shall call in vain.

n     Here the macedonean like usual swears off southern Greece.

When, flush'd with slaughter, Hector comes to spread
The purpled shore with mountains of the dead,

n     Purple is the colour of the blue line of macedonea,   like red is the riyal colour of former Canada, yes red Russia and china under us.
n     [ravdo!!!
n     The former queen of Canada was queen Alexandra nicolos the seconds wife, she was born near former Sudbury Ontario. Red is our line from here, blue and white from there , we are all white off iced by nation.  So Atriodes is Macedonean, northern greek ( fomer there of)  
n     Rus is royal pyrple move as macedonea is royal purple move,

Then shall thou mourn the affront thy madness gave,
Forced to deplore when impotent to save:
Then rage in bitterness of soul to know
This act has made the bravest Greek thy foe."
--The real Greek is on atredis side, they equally have disavowed the ways of those who send diseases to stop love and the conquest of truth by accord.


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