Monday, September 14, 2015

Iliad 1 submission soul Gothet

Nor yet the rage his boiling breast forsook,
Which thus redoubling on Atrides broke:
"O monster! mix'd of insolence and fear,
Thou dog in forehead, but in heart a deer!
When wert thou known in ambush'd fights to dare,
Or nobly face the horrid front of war?
'Tis ours, the chance of fighting fields to try;
Thine to look on, and bid the valiant die:
So much 'tis safer through the camp to go,
And rob a subject, than despoil a foe.
Scourge of thy people, violent and base!

n     Here a vow to act accordingly even in war, not to lower oneself to base behavior, meaning low ended acts, so that any attack can be defended in accordance to the proper way to act in such manners, by noble right of war and not as scoundrels that rob innocent people and despoil a foe who was not such.
Sent in Jove's anger on a slavish race;
Who, lost to sense of generous freedom past,
Are tamed to wrongs;—or this had been thy last.
Now by this sacred sceptre hear me swear,
Which never more shall leaves or blossoms bear,
Which sever'd from the trunk (as I from thee)

n    Atrides declares that his race has submitted and enslaved itself and will to the divine will of Gothet as Jove has.  Thus subdued they are safely servants bound by all will as a race to the divine will of Gothet , the divine.

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