Thursday, April 2, 2015

iliadone prayer for insight

"O Smintheus! sprung from fair Latona's line,47
Thou guardian power of Cilla the divine,48
Thou source of light! whom Tenedos adores,
And whose bright presence gilds thy Chrysa's shores.
[pg 004]
If e'er with wreaths I hung thy sacred fane,49
Or fed the flames with fat of oxen slain;
God of the silver bow! thy shafts employ,
Avenge thy servant, and the Greeks destroy."

Smintheus an epithet taken from sminthos, the Phrygian name for a mouse, was applied to Apollo for having put an end to a plague of mice which had harassed that territory. Strabo, however, says, that when the Teucri were migrating from Crete, they were told by an oracle to settle in that place, where they should not be attacked by the original inhabitants of the land, and that, having halted for the night, a number of field-mice came and gnawed away the leathern straps of their baggage, and thongs of their armour. In fulfilment of the oracle, they settled on the spot, and raised a temple to Sminthean Apollo. Grote, "History of Greece," i. p. 68, remarks that the "worship of Sminthean Apollo, in various parts of the Troad and its neighboring territory, dates before the earliest period of Aeolian colonization."

Here appolo seems to be likened to the pipe piper whose song like appolos rid the land of rats and caused the people esp the young to follow a new tune.  The tune of course is divine.  The mice settled and created a temple, taking armour off, the mice seem to be a people who had evolved to become peaceful worshipers of Apollo, it is wghere they resettled after they heard his song and created a way to Godthit.

Here the priest far from their enemies begins to curse the Greeks for not releasing the daughter of their city.  We observe that a cirse is incanted by the priest as a form of maficm ( mav)
Oh rats sacred and peaceful come from the line of lotana,  guardians of the power Cilla the divine, who are one with godthit, gothetic systems.  They are a source of divine enlightenment that the people of Tenedos adores  whose wisdom is chrysas shores blessed brighteness.
Thus we are insighting enlightenment godthetic systems to attest to what must be done.  IYje invocation incits a conditional, either if the pries’s prayers merit Godthetic revenge or rectification may the fane be hung, either, the fkames of your discontent will cause no more than a meal cooked and oxen blood spilled and no wrath opn the pnes we though deserved it.  Thus to godthit and thy bow that only shoots justly shoot thy arrows at those who deserve it bless us and all that are on the just side and destroy the Greeks. If they have wronged,

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