Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Iliad 1 dease running

Thus Chryses pray'd.—the favouring power attends,
And from Olympus' lofty tops descends.
Bent was his bow, the Grecian hearts to wound;50
Fierce as he moved, his silver shafts resound.
Breathing revenge, a sudden night he spread,
And gloomy darkness roll'd about his head.
The fleet in view, he twang'd his deadly bow,
And hissing fly the feather'd fates below.
On mules and dogs the infection first began;51
And last, the vengeful arrows fix'd in man.
For nine long nights, through all the dusky air,
The pyres, thick-flaming, shot a dismal glare.
But ere the tenth revolving day was run,
Inspired by Juno, Thetis' godlike son
Convened to council all the Grecian train;
For much the goddess mourn'd her heroes slain.52
The assembly seated, rising o'er the rest,
Achilles thus the king of men address'd:

n  Chryses prays as the tide seem to be on her side aginst the Greeks.  A bloght struck the Greeks as gods using silver appear and teh sents of pires fill the sky, it soundslike teh Greeks were under attack and the bio warfare stuck , it took three nights for disentry to set in.  The silver shaft is like teh silver lance, its mefical attacks and illnesses.
Here achielis is addressed as the king of man and a assembly is called due to the bloght.

"Why leave we not the fatal Trojan shore,
And measure back the seas we cross'd before?
The plague destroying whom the sword would spare,
'Tis time to save the few remains of war.
But let some prophet, or some sacred sage,
Explore the cause of great Apollo's rage;
Or learn the wasteful vengeance to remove
By mystic dreams, for dreams descend from Jove.53
[pg 005]

--at distance and across teh sea the jkudgement of teh plague descended through out the lands killing those who the sword would not as they caused nothing to merit such a death but their evils did merit death by desease and this is why some li8ke the norse believed such a jusdgenment ment you were not good enough to sdervive and it was better to die in battle as even okd people fall defending teh wrong side.may a prophet or a sage, a scholar, look into the reason for the plague.  What caused it and what wrath allowed it to stick.  Why did teh priests and other of chryses country strick the Greeks with bio warfare, the remnents of war are ending.thus teh jusdgement began as war and is not ending with plague.  It was over ethe women and she directly had no cause of it  someone did not like what teh Greeks had done.
If broken vows this heavy curse have laid,
Let altars smoke, and hecatombs be paid.
So Heaven, atoned, shall dying Greece restore,
And Phoebus dart his burning shafts no more."
He said, and sat: when Chalcas thus replied;
Chalcas the wise, the Grecian priest and guide,
That sacred seer, whose comprehensive view,
The past, the present, and the future knew:
Uprising slow, the venerable sage
Thus spoke the prudence and the fears of age:

n  If an offence occurred towards the gods then might we burn inscents and do what is needed to find what is needed to cure asnd restore Greece the Chalcas introduces himself and if he is true to what he says he know past present and future and is omniscient to some degree or level.  He has wisdom of prudence and fear of the ages.

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