Saturday, April 25, 2015

iliad 1 prophet accusation

The prophet spoke: when with a gloomy frown
The monarch started from his shining throne;
Black choler fill'd his breast that boil'd with ire,
And from his eye-balls flash'd the living fire:
"Augur accursed! denouncing mischief still,
Prophet of plagues, for ever boding ill!
Still must that tongue some wounding message bring,
And still thy priestly pride provoke thy king?
[pg 006]

    Here the prophet that tried to find the source of the plague realizes, what he orates to the others as the king filled with fire and unease, he was perturbed.  The prophet exclaims that unlike the augur who wanted not to see mischief, which is more a device to state: there is mischief a foot, the prophet of the investigation of plagues knows what ills might body ill and this type is an attack, how can you claim with pride of power before your Kaz  (king) that you did no wrong and this is a sign to return the hostages.  In so many words he is accusing them of attacking due to the hostages.

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