Saturday, April 25, 2015

for next week plus update

we will be interpreting this for next week :

For this are Phoebus' oracles explored,
To teach the Greeks to murmur at their lord?
For this with falsehood is my honour stain'd,
Is heaven offended, and a priest profaned;
Because my prize, my beauteous maid, I hold,
And heavenly charms prefer to proffer'd gold?
A maid, unmatch'd in manners as in face,
Skill'd in each art, and crown'd with every grace;
Not half so dear were Clytaemnestra's charms,
When first her blooming beauties bless'd my arms.
Yet, if the gods demand her, let her sail;
Our cares are only for the public weal:
Let me be deem'd the hateful cause of all,
And suffer, rather than my people fall.
The prize, the beauteous prize, I will resign,
So dearly valued, and so justly mine.
But since for common good I yield the fair,
My private loss let grateful Greece repair;
Nor unrewarded let your prince complain,
That he alone has fought and bled in vain."
"Insatiate king (Achilles thus replies),
Fond of the power, but fonder of the prize!
Would'st thou the Greeks their lawful prey should yield,
The due reward of many a well-fought field? 

skoli is finishing for fretha ( winter)

in two years, not this zatha but the next one everyone is finished their three year brithet ( ba) and the following zatha ( summer) on the third year everyone is certified and finished as in regards to their positions and kobs, everyone is done, though some will continue being educated, and the whole system will be  certified and working in 12-13  years when dark city ends, darkest city ends three years from now.

the bind of the last spiritual child of the old , now defunk non functioning, dratha system is scheduled for birth in june 5, the bind of all gothetic systems is based on every adult, baring the 19 year old still in hafaf ( high school)  has finished at least the core three courses at unidiversity, 4 is the minimum courses completed, though these students are full time, so everyone will have finished prepairment school two years

everyone has atleast 4 courses, like a minour study , there are no adults not a unidiversity student with enough study, one block, to be called a some post secondary education,

on wards ambient intelligence is going through the roof to where it should have been, one apartment above.


till next week

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